
What a Ham

Today is the day. Britney Spears turns 30 years old today. I will freely admit, I am one of her last standing fans. I still listen to her music, and enjoy it, especially when I run (Insert tormenting from you guys here).

Let's remember her like this...at the height of her career...before she went crazy...

I don't know about you guys but to me, this means my childhood is officially over.

If you were old enough to remember when her "Hit me Baby One More Time" video came out, you're old too. Goodbye Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, goodbye Britney from videos past, goodbye childhood.

I mean seriously... Mickey really knows how to pick em'...let's see we got Christina, Britney, Ryan Gosling (drool), Justin (not mine), and the list goes on! High five mickey. High five.

Here are 23 adult truths that had me rolling (Numbers 16 and 23 are especially true...)

And I added a 24th since I'm officially becoming an adult right now and I'm 24...

24.) You know you're old when a wild night consists of ordering something new on the Chinese takeout menu and 3 movies in a row! Phew...watch out now.

My first breakfast of true adulthood consisted of plain yogurt, cinnamon, chia seeds, sliced nanners, and homemade cranberry sauce (I love being able to say that)!!! Also, a little Kashi added later for ca-runch!!!

The cranberry sauce sweetened the plain yogurt just enough

So, this has been AAAWWWLLLL ova Facebook the past few days and it is truly disturbing, yet truly entertaining. If you're easily offended, do NOT view this website, it's pretty ghetto, but it is HIGH-LARIOUS.


Bennett is a white boy who thinks he's hardcore gangsta. As you can see from the texts, he's extremely intelligent and perceptive. Here's one of my favs...
Nothing better on a first date than sammon, corndogs, and oriental lasanya. 

I don't know about you guys, but I have ALWAYS dreamed of going to New York City during Christmas time and going to the tree lighting,

the Rockettes Christmas show,

These women are freaks of nature....but I love them so..

see some classic Broadway shows,

go ice skating in Rockefeller Center,

Tell me, WHAT is more classic Christmas than this?!

and MAYBE do some shopping too...just a little.

This has me sticking my whole fist in my mouth biting my nails in anticipation!!!
This video made me even more excited to go someday, I love it!

Lunch was the same today...no news there, except I have officially eaten a pound of ham by myself this week in the soup alone. That kind of makes me never want to eat it again. 

Still tasted delish though! 

I have been called a ham before, so I guess it's true, you are what you eat :) tehehe

After sending out another round of Christmas cards, blogging, and paper writing, I walked to the gym to clear my mind! It was strength training class today, and for once, I finished all the reps and felt great the whole class! Must be the ham :)

I went to campus for a bit to return a book, and I actually got choked up thinking about how this coming week was my last on campus! Who am I?!

Oh Dawson, it's ok....don't cry...please...you look ugly when you cry...seriously.

I don't know why, but I am REALLY attached to the University. I think it's because the first time I've done something completely me, without any friends or family. I think to me, it represents my first big step out into the world independently.

 Plus the school is only 6,000 people total, and about 400-500 graduate students. I know almost every professor and student in the program, and am friends with many of them. I feel like UT is truly MY school.

I mean, c'mon, how can you not be proud of this?

I really felt attached to IU because that's where I found most of my best friends too, but it's slightly different because it was everyone else's school too. Does that make any sense?

Brief shnack of apples with cinnamon and avage nectar

A quick getting ready followed by dinner in the car on the way to happy hour! Ha!...

Spinach salad with cauliflower, leftover sweet potatoes, and olive oil!

Leftover veggie-rific la-la-lasagna!

Ok you guys... as you probably know by know, I have a slight obsession with Christmas and dogs... I found this awesome website (Kara, you will love this)...lifewithdogs.tv

Here are my three five fav. videos so far...

LOVE her laughing hysterically and the dog scooting forward towards her...

This one's short and sweet...kind of creepy and intimate, but adorable!!! The dog's lovin' it...

This one has a baby and a dog!!! Score times two.

This dog is sooo sweet and sooo spoiled, I love it!

Tipper and Skipper. Can't beat it. This is seriously a miracle dog!

December Book Club

Ok, so I wasn't sure what to do for the month of December, but I've decided on a book club! I ordered "The Art of Racing in the Rain" today for my Kindle app on my phone (it was only $3.99!!!) which is a book written from a dog's point of view that I've wanted to read for a while. If you have some time over the holidays and want to read it with me,  I would love to discuss it with you on December 31st!

Justin and I are headed out for a few beers with friends tonight (famous last words), happy First Friday!

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