
A Day in Black and White

Tuesday morning came with an amazing Christmas surprise.


I was soooo excited to wake up to this! After spending some time with my family and a yogurt and apples bowl, I ventured off to pack my brand new luggage to go back to Tampa!

So Chanel.

I'm in love with it.

It's always sad to leave home after an extended stay. It has made it a lot easier that Justin goes back with me though.

We had one last family meal at Dave's Lake Shack (our friend Dave literally owns a shack that he made into a restaurant…thus the Lake shack)

I got a salad and bowl of chili…little bit of winter comfort before I head back to the summer weather.

If you wear a Dave's Lake Shack t-shirt somewhere cool and take a picture, he will frame it and put it on the wall at the shack! Talk about a life goal. So, I bought a shirt while I was there to where in my upcoming trip to Switzerland and the Czech Republic.

Who says you can't buy love? Certainly not me.

After that, it was off to the airport for the most horrific travel experience of our lives. Seriously….who takes off an hour and a half late…makes you get on the plane and wait there for another hour while they "safely" clean up the gas they spilled on the runway…land several hours late…make you switch baggage claims…and wait 25 minutes for the bags…and DOESN'T EVEN GIVE YOU A SNACK?!

Mama's angry.

If I didn't have this nanner and Chai tea latte to curb my hunger before the flight, I would punched a baby. Maybe.

A new book kept me occupied while I waited. Yep, I finished The Art of Racing in the Rain and can't wait to chat with you about it!

I've been wanting to read the Hunger Games series for a while now, and since I saw the preview for the first movie, my intrigue has been peaked enough to buy it for my Kindle App!

Justin and I had planned on getting home at 7, but we didn't even land until 9:45. We were starving and in bad moods, so we grabbed a $25 cab ride:( and picked up Wok N' Roll on the way home. They stayed open for us and even gave us this really sweet calendar. We will definitely use it every day. Who wouldn't hang this roll out bamboo calendar with a majestic bird on their wall? She's a beaut.

Thanks Wok N' Roll for ending our nightmarish night on a good note! Wink.

Good night all!

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