
Terry Chrisman.

Fact: Terry Christman was the name of one of my dad's friends.
Fact: My great aunt was named Pearl. Last name Harbor. Pearl Harbor.
Fact: The first is much more entertaining than the latter.

Therefore, we always say Terry Christman on Christmas Eve.

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!! I realize that neither merry, nor happy, nor new, nor year is supposed to be capitalized, but it looked so sad as lowercase, I had to change it.

Christmas morning was unbelugaville (ever read the book Baby Beluga??? If not, you should.). Christmas this year was more than exciting for several reasons, one of which I will share another day.
I don’t know if it was the fact that we didn’t come home for Christmas last year, but Christmas up north just seemed extra special this year. There was sort of a romantic magic about it, and it didn’t even snow. Maybe I just appreciate our family being all together more than ever since it rarely happens. Especially without the distraction of texting, internet, television, blogging (no offense), etc. Truly being together is something that really only happens once a year, and that’s Christmas morning. That is why it is my favorite day of the year.

Breakfast number one :)

Aaron looking dashing in his hat

Presents from me and Justin for the dawggies

Christmas snuggies

New anthro. kitchen towels!!!

These are measuring cups. I'm in LOVE.


Tuckered out pup.

I was more excited about giving gifts this year than receiving. I thought I did pretty well for my little family and part of the reason was social media. I want to thank Groupon, LivingSocial, and Amazon Local for allowing me to afford my family the luxuries they deserve! Discounted massages, art classes, comedy show tickets, and even a racing extravaganza for the boys made it really fun and affordable to put together some presents this year.

After presents, we always sit down at the table together for a gourmet home cooked meal. This year was extry special. It was accompanied by our good family friend Bloody Mary. She’s so great. She fills you up and never lets you down. We’re besties.

My mom’s eggy, sausage, cheesy, bready casserole may or may not be the best breakfast on earth. Special thanks to Julie Von Derau for encouraging my mother’s domestication.

Breakfast number two.

After our family’s private affair, we headed to another lake to enjoy Christmas on the water, the sequel with Justin’s dad’s side. That’s where I got my first weapon. Or at least these things could double as a weapon if Justin ever gets out of line.

Of course there was a little girl for me to play with there too, so I could have been entertained for hours. See Justin, you don’t even need to hire a babysitter for me anymore, just give me people my age to play with! :)

It’s always great getting to know the Adams’ even better. We don’t get to see them very often, but they’re truly great people. Justin’s great grandma especially cracks me up. She’s in her mid nineties and still a spit fire and a half. She called me “college girl” up until this year, when she forgot our names for the first time. But, she entertained me just as well. It doesn’t matter if she opens up Elizabeth Taylor size jewels or a set of 3 chip clips, she always goes, “Ohhh!! This is just what I wanted!!!” So, when she opens a pair of socks, I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. Adorable. I can only hope I have that much spunk in my 90’s.

Great Grandma, Justin's uncle Jared, and Brooke, my new friend 

After spending some time with the Adams’, we headed back to Christmas on the water, the original version, to host my mom’s family Christmas.

Sugar high!!!

Shloppy joes, shloppy shloppy joes yeah…. I know how you kids like em' extra shhhloppyyy!


It started pretty low key with dinner and catching up, but then got rowdy when my dad got out our new Xbox Connect. Has anyone else played this masterpiece? It’s hilarious and really fun and you can make the characters do whatever you want including picking your nose, and other less appropriate gestures.

However, I will warn you. You cannot be afraid to look special playing this game.

Just get a load of my mom and Uncle Kent. They look like they’re one brain short of a scarecrow.

Holy special kids.
I love them for it.

Here’s the rest of us looking special.

Check out Aaron's crazy legs towards the end.

And in all fairness, I didn't look like the king of cool either.

With me in my kerchief and Justin in his cap, we are just settling down for a long winter’s nap. Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!


  1. LOVE the measuring cups! Where are they from?

  2. Yippee!we did the connect on x-mas too, Marc and Michaela has one in their theater room, so much fun and lots of laughs Tell your mom & dad we said Merry Christmas and we'll see them soon Love Nancy


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