

New Year's Eve is wonderful and scary time. You get to reflect on what you have created in 2011, how you have tried to get the last drop out of this very year. This very year of your life.

The scary part or should I say exciting is to think about what you want to create in the unlived year of 2012. Are there adventures you want to have, people you need to let go of, habits or patterns of thinking you would like to change?? Are there people you know you need to hang on to, things that happened in 2011 that you want to recreate again and again?

The great part is you have this opportunity, this day to design what you would like your life to look like a year from now. Of course it never works out like you exactly planned, but as the saying goes, "shoot for the moon, land among the stars."

Today, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the journey I've taken this past year.

A year in the life of Brittany Hagan. Phew. It's exhausting even thinking about :) (I know that's what my mom's thinking)...

It has been quite a roller coaster of a ride…albeit an incredible one.

Month by month highlights, this is what my life has looked like?

*Won the title of Miss Orange County which would change my life forever

*Started my internship with HSN

*Went to watch Miss America live in Las Vegas for the first time (was on TV!)

*Ran my first half marathon

*Spoke out about eating disorders for the first time to the University of Tampa sororities

*Became part of the most successful fundraising NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association) team in the country (responsible for PR and media relations)//Went on first NEDA walk…Justin came with me

*Traveled to New York City for the NEDA annual fundraiser

*First on camera host job

*Traveled to Washington, DC for the first time to lobby for eating disorder legislation

*Traveled all over Turkey (didn't know anyone I was going with for the first time ever)

*Threw sister's bachelorette party in Key West with Casey and my mom!

It got weird.

*Read 3 books!
*Preparation for Miss Florida

*Competed for Miss Florida (made top ten, won Miss America's Community Service Award, met some amazing women who had a profound impact on my life)

*My first college friend, Erika, got married to John Marx (their kids are Karl and Skid)

*Helped mom throw Kara's shower at the lake

*Kara'a wedding (one of the happiest weeks of my life)

*My Miss America little sister, Elizabeth became Miss America's Outstanding Teen

*Started my own clothing designs

*Found a passion for cooking

*Began my last semester of school ever

*Found a new passion for blogging

*Laura got engaged

*First paid dance job

*Got Mac n' Cheese

*Went to Disney World

*First Turkey trot!

*Graduated with my MBA degree

*Got my first real job with Target

I became a maid of honor twice, gained a brother in law, 3 trips to places I've never been, a lot of confidence and happiness, 2 fish, an MBA degree, and a job! I'd say it's been a solid year :)

I also want to recognize the two family members devastatingly lost this year, my Uncle Denny and my cousin Chris. I know you are in heaven with Grandpa Hagan. May your families find peace in that in 2012.

What about your life? What steps have you made towards having the life you want? Don't be afraid to be honest with yourself…you most likely have done more than you give yourself credit for….

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