

So, even though I topped the soup last night with pepper and love. It apparently did NOT love me back. Or something did not… I got sick at about 10PM last night. Bad chicken maybe? I don't know, but I will be throwing the rest of that soup out. It's the devil.

One and done, but still it was horrible, and my throat still hurts from it! There is nothing worse than throwing up in my opinion. NOTHING.

I cry every time. The WORST.

Anyway, I needed love and nutrients this morning in the form of pears, cinnamon, pumpkin, cookies, whipped cream, nut butter, and oats :) Plus a cup of Kashi, Raisin Bran, and almond milk.

I learned to eat cereal out of mugs from my friend Christa. She has been doing it as long as I remember. It's brilliant. Sometimes, a cup is just the PERFECT size…plus it offers optimum scooping power.

This is Christa! This is her comforting me as I bawled at her wedding. Think it's supposed to be the other way around :) She lives in London now with her husband!

After refilling my poor belly, I headed to the gym to sweat out some toxins from this weekend! Cycling and BodyPump this morning were especially difficult this morning. Not sure if it was the puking or the wine on Saturday, but I was on the struggle bus majorly!

As I was getting ready, I saw this on the Today Show about a woman in Tampa taking a powerful stance against a man that attempted to rape and kill her in a parking garage I have been many times. Talk about scerry.

It struck me hard since it was literally 5 minutes away from our house. What a brave woman for doing this!

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I headed to Panera for lunch, studying, and just to get out of the house. I get cabin fever pretty bad during finals, when I'm in the house alllll day studying!

It provided the perfect Christmasy getaway!

I had veggie soup with pesto, the Thai chicken chopped salad, and an apple on the side!

The food was actually not as good as I remember. Not sure if I'm just getting used to home cooked food or if Panera was having a bad day, but it was pretty bland.

Loved the wreath with breadsticks and rolls though!

Anddd they were giving out free orange scones which made my trip totally worth it!

Today was our final presentation for my management capstone class. We presented to our client, Rigatoni's Restaurant and Catering in South Tampa. It went really well! It lasted about an hour and I think we answered all of the owner's questions pretty well. She seemed very happy with our performance!

I am SO relieved to have that over with!!! 

Apple to refuel!

So, this is a topic that I am fascinated by- the effect of the media and technology on women's body image. 

Eating disorders and poor body image can certainly be fueled by this which is a cause I am in love with. I do NOT however think it is all the media's fault whatsoever, or everyone would have an eating disorder, as we are each exposed to thousands of advertisements per day. 

Nor am I saying that ad agencies should change their tactics. These images are a form of art, and everyone loves to look at beautiful images! However, it is really important for every woman and man for that matter to be aware of how extreme the media can go, in order to be realistic and loving of herself and her body.

Love that even Cindy Crawford has said, "I wish I looked like Cindy Crawford."

This one is crazy too…the pictures are beautiful but you are able to see them as real people.

This is one my friend Johanna Kandel from the Alliance for Eating Disorders in West Palm Beach. This one was fascinating to me! Shows just how much they adjust everything about an already beautiful woman!

Please share this with other women in your life that struggle with body image! :)

Dinner was delish! I used this recipe from hungry girl- http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/476

I pretty much followed the recipe to a t, except I added 1.5 cups of peas and about 1/2 cup of chopped mushrooms.

Topped with cheddar cheese!

This is a little tidbit I thought was really interested especially on my very LAST week of school EVER. The article was long, so I summed it up for ya guys!

11 Things to Know By Age 25
1. You have time to find a job you love

  • You have time to find what's right- try things, take classes, start over. You have the luxury to do this now!

2. Get out of debt and stay out of debt (this is one both me and Justin need to work on)

  • Living within your means will serve you your entire life. Don't miss out on a great adventure that life calls you to because you've been careless about debt.

3. Don't rush dating and marriage

  • This is one thing I need to work on. I mean, ok maybe not the dating thing (we've been dating for 9 years….) but it's hard watching people around you get married and not think you should be doing the same thing. Here's what he says, "Go through premarital counseling before you are engaged, because, really, engagement is largely about wedding planning, and it’s tough to see the flaws in a relationship clearly when you’re wearing a diamond and you have a deposit on an event space.I actually think this is a great idea! He also reminds us that "Time is on our side." I like that.

4. Give your best to friends and family

  • Too much energy spent on job and dating, too little on family and friends who will be with you forever. Point taken.

5. Get some counseling

  • We all have crap from our life thus far, don't carry your baggage around with you for the next 25 years…"Unravel the knots that keep you from living a healthy, whole life, and do it now, before any more time passes." I <3 therapy (you think I'm joking…)

6. Seek out a mentor

  • I have way too many mentors to mention…I have at least one in every area of my life

7. Be a part of a church (or believe in something that empowers you…for me, it's the universe and God, for you it may be something different)

  • I choose to believe the universe is on my side and giving me whatever I need to grow or thrive at the moment, this trust helps me put everything in perspective

8. Find a rythym for things that make you you

  • I try make be by the water as much as possible, read, and spend time with the people I love!

9. Volunteer

  • It has become a huge part of my life in the past few years…the gift of it is not something I can put into words. Give your time to others, the gift will come back to you tenfold.

10. Feed yourself and the people you love

  • Learn to cook for yourself, your family, and your friends. Nourish your body and souls with time spent together.

11. Don't get stuck

  • Here's the jist "Don’t get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal." Lesson: don't be remain a frat boy or become a  grandma too soon….:) I say balance is about losing yourself in both every once in a while (just like Eat Pray Love says)…

Later on in the night in the midst of resume updating, reference sheet making, and studying, I tried a recipe from Peanut Butter fingers for White Chocolate Peppermint Paw-carn!

Mmmmm hmmm girlfriend, it was ta DOHWAY fawwwr!!! 

Here's the recipe:

Peppamint Whuaite Chocolate Paw-carn Adapted from Peanut Butter Fingers
  • 1 100 calorie-size bag butter popcorn
  • 3 ounces white chocolate (I used about 4 T.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract (I didn't have this so I just omitted, worked out fine)
  • 5 peppermint candies or one candy cane (I used candy cane sprinkles)
  1. Pop popcorn according to package instructions in microwave. Set aside.
  2. Pulse peppermint candies in food processor until pieces are very fine and near dust-like consistency.
  3. Melt white chocolate in microwave on high in 30 second intervals, stirring regularly.
  4. Stir peppermint extract and peppermint candies into chocolate.
  5. Pour chocolate over popcorn, stirring quickly to ensure even coating over the popcorn.
  6. Garnish with additional peppermint candies and enjoy!

Ooey. Gooey. Chewy.

I may or may not have licked this puppy clean.

Holy good.

Today is Justin's mom Jodi's birthday! She is one of the most fun-loving and brave women that I know! She is recently single and moved out to California to live out her dream of travel nursing. She shares my love of being by the water, and has been more than welcoming of me as I've gotten to know the family. I have always thought of Jodi as the ultimate strong woman not afraid to do anything!

Families combined!! :)
Here she is! See where Justin gets his big green eyes :)
Her and Katie Couric who she met at a book signing recently! I am MORE than jealous of this picture.
Happy birthday Jodi!!!!

I will leave you with this little tidbit tonight. Something important to remember during this holiday season.

You are most likely more than blessed with everything you need already. This doesn't mean don't get me Christmas presents :) Kidding…. kind of…..I will be accepting gifts through January.

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