
Where the plers play.

Hallo from Schwiezerland!!!

So, I’m here… I made it alive… and I LOVE Switzerland.

The trek was long, but worth it!

We started from Tampa at 10:20 this morning. It was a crazy morning for me which included running around like a chicken with its head cut off, leaving a terribly messy kitchen for Justin (sorry babe, I had to use up all the produce before I left!), and making an insane last minute trip to where else, but Target?!

I had to buy a new camera for my trip. I couldn’t stand the thought of missing out on all the great photo opps, so I splurged part of my budget on a camera instead of spending it on Swiss cheese or perhaps watches. Maybe even knives.

As I was preparing spaghetti squash for my long flight (plus I wouldn’t dare let perfectly good produce go to waste), the Super Shuttle called and was outside my house 20 minutes early!

So, I rushed to get down there without making him wait too long, grabbing a Pizza Express cup full of yogurt, Fiber One, and VitaTop on the way out!

I gabbed with my mom and dad on the way there, they got an adorable little cottage in Broadripple right next door to my sister!!! She’s gonna love that :)

Just kidding, it’s a few blocks down.

What can I say? We’re family people.

Yay for a great start to official retirement!

Ok, so, where was I?

Oh yeah, we spent the majority of our waiting time as Casa Bacardi laughing at how adorable this carry on was.

Oh yeah, the first flight to ATL (where the playas play) was short and sweet and included a premade salad, Steerbux, some reading of Catching Fire (second book in the Hunger Games series), and some TV watching!

How cool is that?

TV’s in the seats with real live TV even on a one hour flight!

It’s the tits.

Once we were in Atlanta (my least favorite airport in the world)… the group and I got a gourmet All- Uhhmerican Bloody Mary at Friday’s and waited out our 3-hour layover. Boo.

Atlanta is my LEAST favorite airport. Are these many tv's necessary?

Look how many men were on their way to Kuwait (en route to Afganistan) in the gate next to us.

Made me extremely emotional just to see them all together.

The flight to Zurich from Atlanta was kind of a nightmare, not gonna lie. First of all, I was blessed with the middle seat. Between two men. Oh Lawdy Lawdy, hep me Jesus.

You know how on long flights, you can never get comfortable…you put your knees up just so, then they slide. You try and put your head down on the tray and then the person in front of you reclines their seat on your head. Maybe you try a makeshift pillow on the side of your neck, but inevitably, you end up leaning so far you’re drooling on the Swiss guy next to you…

Righttttt… I “didn’t go that either” :)

At least I had some awesome airplane food to keep me occupied… oh wait….

yheck. That's Swiss for disgusting.

The landing was not the tits. It was the WORST. There was a huge storm later that night and it was making its way into Zurich right as we were descending.  We literally had to land sideways. If I had seen this at the time, I would have crapped my pants!

Oops I crapped my pants.

We finally got to Zurich at around 7 in the morning Zurich time, 1 in the morning our time, so needless to say, my roommate Carrie and I are napping before our first meeting with Migros  (the Wal-mart of Switzerland) at 3:30!!

Here's some pics of our hotel!

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