
Red and Khaki Red and Khaki Red and Khaki Red and Khaki

Day began with an apples bowl and cardio/strength class! It was rough after several cocktails and red velvet last night.

It's amazing how simple shopping for clothes becomes when you can only choose from two colors.

Lord help me.

You walk in a store, and walk towards any red or taupe that catches your eye. You try it on (or not), look at the price tag, and purchase.

I spent the day "preparing for work" AKA shopping for red and khaki.

I have to admit, now that I feel like an experienced R and K shopper, I feel capable of actually making it semi-fashionable and the little part of my soul that died came back today along with several chic red blazers and bohemian shirts and skinny khaki cords.

Fashionable red and khaki. See it CAN be done you guys.


So, anyways, in my quest for corpo attire, I stopped for fuel at Whole Foods.

Salad with carrot ginger dressing, curry with tofu and eggplant, brussel sprouts and some other veggies I couldn't name…with a side of pita and hummus and a peach green iced tea! Not bad.

Then, later on I followed the red and khaki theme with a fruit salad from Fit2Run.

Strawberries, bananas, mango, cottage cheese and honey! Ohhhh honey, was it delicious or what?!

After my quest was fulfilled, I headed home. Justin's mom is visiting for the week, and she just flew in today. So, we all headed down to my parents house for dinner and a weekend with them and our friends John and Suzy.

Burgers on the grille, baked beans, corn casserole, hash brown mixed thing, and DeBrand's chocolate that Jodi brought for us from Indiana!

She was mad that I one upped her by bringing back out the Swiss chocolate I brought back.

I still think DeBrand's is better :)

It was my first Valentine after all…Austin Miller…2nd grade.

Ahhh young love….

Happy Friday!

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