
Airport From Hell.

For as much as I loved Prague. I absolutely HATE the airport here.

Let me tell you all that went wrong today.

1.) Self check wouldn't accept any of our passports.

What do you mean that's not me?!? Frank Moss! That's me!

2.) The real check in required a five minute interview for each person checking in with such "valuable questions" as "how long have you had your camera or iPod?" waiting in line for check in alone was about 40 minutes…

I felt like I was taking a lie detector test!

3.) I got majorly frisked by security. I was wearing a sweater and leggings and a tank top and leggings. They made me get down to leggings and a tank top AKA where you can see every little thing and frisked me, like full on groping. Then, they made me take off my shoes (even though no one else had to) and sent them thru security on there own. Are you kidding me people?? Do I look intimidating?!

It's as much action as I've gotten for two weeks! :)

4.) There is no food at the gates, only in the halls... So therefore, you can only buy food/water from a vending machine…which wouldn't take my money. DAGNABIT!

This is totally what vending machines are like in the Swiss Alps.

5.) Food in the hallways consists of stale pretzels and disgusting prepackaged sandwiches, but then you have to get groped by security twice…I'll go hungry….


0.) The vending machines in the gate were not taking my money.

7.) Long lines for toilets at the gate even…

8.) Plane was delayed 1 hour due to mechanical issues.

Minor technicalities

When we got to JFK, we sat on the runway for 20 minutes after a 9 hour flight because they didn't have the gate open for us..really people? Forgot we were coming or what??

Fell off the jetway again…..
Maaan! You are one pathetic loser!

3.) They required us to get bags again at JFK and check them again for our flight to Tampa…when we only have an hour layover...

Right…. because that's "always fast" at JFK….

Once we get to the place where we check our bags, they told us we missed our flight…

Then, they changed their minds and told us to drop our bags and RUNNNNNGGG to the gate.

Mind you, we have girl with a broken foot, a guy with asthma, and four people over 40….

But we ran anyway..

When we got there, they said they sent the plane ahead anyway. 

They say there are no other flights on any other airlines that have empty seats until another damn Delta flight at 10:20 tomorrow morning. So, we'd have to stay the night in New York, and go to LaGuardia in the morning.

Except, we know all. Heather's fiance has been looking up flights out for us, and knows there is another American Airline flight out two hours later with empty seats.

So, we ask the Delta agent about it, she says there are no seats.

After we get our "generous" food vouchers, three of us girls run over to AA to see if we could still get on while the rest of our classmates go to the hotel.

She says, "Of course! The flight is practically empty." So, we buy our tickets, and run through security (third time today), and run directly onto the plane.

This is literally about what it looked like.

Needless to say, I needed a drink.

Or maybe two. I passed out, drooled all over my tray table, and woke up in Tampa.

Of course Delta refused to send my bag home even though it didn't come in until tomorrow, so I had to go back to the airport on Sunday to pick it up. Boo.

Ugh. Get me back to america! I never want to see another sausage or inefficiency again!

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