
Silver Mrs. Bells

I woke up this morning in the mood to go on another hilly run (well, as much as you can ever be in the mood to go on a hilly run), I could feel it from yesterday a bit and wanted to keep that lactic acid flowin' if ya know what I mean...wink.

See those mountains in the background? Ya, I made them my bitch.

Sunrise over the water!
Love fall at the lake

I set out for a beautiful run around the lake and before I knew it I met my arch nemesis.... Mrs. Bell.

For those of you who haven't had the play-sure of hearing this story, she made me cry two summers ago when she insisted that I flipped her off driving to Meijer (now I wish I had actually done just that)...

Yeah, that really looks like me. Slap a bow headband on her and it's totally me.
This was before I had even met this woman. Since then, she has been an absolute treat.

She got kicked out of the community association for being a pain in the ass, refused to give our family a neighborhood plaque that we all ordered, threw tomatoes at a sick woman's car, and has threatened my aunt.

So, on my long beautiful run this morning, I accidentally waved to her, and SHE WAVED BACK!!!! NOOOOO!! She totally didn't mean.

She normally refuses to even look up when I drive by. She thinks I'm the devil.

This was before she realized who it was, she drove by me later and gave her usual grimace, but it still felt like a small victory.

The run was C-O-L-D though! My mom and I were watching Silver Bells on Lifetime last night

(so what if we've already seen it four times? We still never remember where the bells are!)

... and I kept thinking, "How do these characters have rosy cheeks, snowflakes in their hair, and a sparkle in their eye in the dead of winter...." when I have snot bubbles, bright red nose, and with so many layers that I can't put my arms down.

I don't know about you, but I look like a huge goober in the outside when it's cold.

Here's her..

Here's me...

Not so cute.

If I didn't have a long hot shower and this cup o' carfee to come home to, I might have cried.

Why yes, I am a University of Tampa Dad, how did you know?!

After a breakfast of cherry cobbler yogurt, whipped cream, girl scout cookie Larabar, and an orange, my mom and I headed out for a great adventure with my aunt!


Oh it's so fun on the way there...

accidentally took this on the way there...

Until you get to the parking lot.

Stop. Don't do it!!!!
Unless you wanna make your way through this hell hole.

Teasing, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I crossed a few presents off my list, got a cute little flannel for myself, and had a great time with the girls.

Red Robin for lunch!

Tortilla Soup

Southwestern Avocado salad

After some chopping, we saw the movie Hugo in 3D, it was soooo adorable, I highly recommend it! If you haven't noticed, there aren't a lot of movies I don't like...

Plus Jude Law's in it... we can watch him do anything for two hours, right?

I met Stuart, Erika, and Jeralyn for dinner before Nicole's surprise party.

Turkey burger and black bean chili were in order to fuel me for a night of fun...

We then hurried to Nicole's and set up for the par-tay!

Glog, cake, and presents alike, we scared the pants off Nicole...

Here's a video!

And pics from the shenanigans of the night..it's just easier to tell in pictures...

Andrew cheersing (cheersing?) in Espanol!!!


Our old man dance

Did ja get a good one Nicolee?!

The infamous duck face, Ron Burgundy smile, and whiny Mcwhinerson!

Apparently I didn't get the memo about looking cute.

Pondering Laura's words.

My cousins Ben and Cadie came out!! Wahoo!!!


We make quite a handsome couple don't we?

Obviously we had to pose as reindeer by famous Santa lights on the way home...
That's all folks! Tonight, I'm thankful I got to be home to celebrate Nicole's birthday! She'll get her actual b-day shout out on the 29th :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I'm so sad I wasn't in town for the "oh shit we got you good, you fucker!"

    I also can't wait to old-man-dance with Kevin. xoxo


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