
I'm Sexy and I Know It.

Woke up in a poopy mood, because somebody snored all night and kept me up (and it wasn't me, and we don't have a dog, so guess who?!)! Doesn't help that I have a gigantic day in front of me! How did I make it through and stay sane?

Just teasinggg.....


Here's the sched. (yes, I did just abbrev. sched. deal.)

7:30-10:30 Study my heiny off (boo....)

10:30-11:30 Sustainability interview with Coastal Wipers (no, they don't help you wipe)

11:30-12 Scarf down lunch on the way to rehearsal and spending some time with baby Jesus

12-2:40 Rehearsal (for a dance job I got on Friday night for a private party...oooo....no I'm not stripping, I wish! Just kidding....)

3:30-8:30 Class including an exam (boo number two... hahahahaha!)

9-12:45AM- Rehearsal for the show on Saturday (dude, it's a 10 minute dance. If you've ever tried dancing your heart out for 10 minutes straight, it is not as fun as it sounds...it's the hardest thing ever!)

So, obviously my "workout" today was ummm...my entire day, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

See how distraut he is?

Breakfast was a little heartier than normal, as I woke up craving cheesy goodness.

Today was half and "Everything" bagel covered in mozzarella, cheddar, and cream cheese (stop judging me) and a fried egg!

It was so worth it.

Followed by this little baby mid-morning.

Florida citrus at it's best.

In the meantime as a way to procrastinate studying, I found a few things that I knew I had to share with you. So, my wedding is far off but look how fun this entrance is....The wiggle part is the best.

Choreographed just the way I like it. I'm sexy and I know it.

So, let's just throw it out there, because I know you all are thinking it. You're thinking, how have Brittany and Justin been together for 9 years, and yet she's the only one of her lifelong friends that hasn't been engaged let alone married... Something is wrong here.

Ya I get it, I've thought the same thing. I've narrowed it down to two reasons...

1.) I'm a lactose intolerant girl who consumes massive amounts of dairy...thus inducing....plentiful gaseous states (God's cruel joke)
2.) This is the only way I can explain it:

Hahaha, he says it so eloquently.... 

I'm voting for number two (not that number two), what do you think???

Lunch was especially heavenly today, as I had a visit from a very special man in my life.

Look guys! Leftover McLovin's Minestrone with a side of baby Jesus in his noodle manger!!!! Tell me this is not what it looks like.
I like to picture sweet baby Jesus in a tuxedo t-shirt.

Yes, Jesus and David Arquette have a lot of similarities in my mind too....

Dinner was leftover Green Goddess Curry, which was a lot better the second day for some reason (soaks up all the flavors I think). 

Dessert was my favorite- chocolate ice cream straight out of the carton plus some choco chippies. Now that's some good shit.

If you need just one more laugh today, I got one more thing up my sleeve. So, my friends Allie, Michelle, and I had a girls night out a few weeks ago and obviously ordered pizza afterwards because that's just what we do.

Here's how we greeted the pizza guy (BEFORE Halloween mind you..)

Check out those bangs! What is happening?!

So pleased, although my cap is a little upset for some reason...

So, that's pretty much all there is to report today since it was absolutely filled with non-fun stuff.

Today, I am thankful to have such a full life! Although, it's exhausting at times, I have an extremely busy life full of things I love doing!


Gossip Girl

1 comment:

  1. Hagan, I think that's Ryan Gosling.

    I know this because he's my husband.

    But he does look like David Arquette here, which makes me like him less.

    Wait... no...

    I like him more.



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