
The British are Coming!!

Gooooodddd Maaaarrrrnnnniiiinnnn'!!!!

Can you tell I got wayyy too much sleep last night? Since I had a rough, late night of sitcom-ing and pinterest-ing, but I slept in until 8:45 today! That's super late for my old ass. I'm usually up by 7:30 at the latest.

Since it was already so close to lunch (ya, I eat lunch at 11, told you I was old) I did a simple breakfast of a sliced gala apple sprinkled with cinnamon, and drizzled with agave nectar and microwaved for 35 seconds. An easy half-baked apple.

So, for those of you who don't know what Pinterest is (mooommm :), it's an amazing online posting board of awesome pics and videos. They have categories for everything from pets (my favorite right now) to home, holiday, food, sports (bleh), and on and on.


If you haven't explored it, you need to now!!! So, I thought I was doing good when I found two things last night that I absolutely love. 

Then, my friend Laura started following me, and so I followed her back. That's when I realized she's a Pinterest whore. :) She always has to one up me. 

I have two things on one measly board, and she has like 8 boards (organized by category of course) filled with beautiful things! Oh Shlaura, teach me your ways!!!!!

Here's a few of my favorite things I found (I have categorized them, just to be more like Laura hahaha)...



Just hangin' out... Holy labs.

Look at his little butt!!!!! I can't handle it.

Fun DIY Ideas

Write down little memories throughout the year
and then read them on New Years! This is my resolution for 2012!

Homemade cork jewelry holder! Clever!

DIY light switch covers

This has my name written all over it.

What condiment is made from mustard seeds?....ummm....Onions?? No!!! MUSTARD!!! MUSTARD is made from MUSTARD seedsss!!!

This is everything. Maj.

I'm telling you, my mom is going to flip over the home section- there are SUCH good ideas in there!

Ok, so anyway, breakfast, followed by making phone calls to set up interviews with businesses around the Tampa Bay area that nominated themselves for the Earth Charter Sustainability Awards (I'm currently doing an internship in sustainability for credit for school), homework, blogging, etc.

I went to spin class followed by this arm workout from Peanut Butter Fingers.

Class today was bearable since I spent the entire time Pinteresting :) Then, I headed to network with a rep from HSN that was at UT (university of tampa) today. I swear, I have e-mailed/called/haunted this woman ever since my internship was over, she probably is so annoyed!Butttt... if you saw some of the jobs open right now, I just want her to know (yes, againnnnn) that I graduate in December :) Some jobs posted at HSN:

Fashion Stylist
Visual Merchandising
Buyer/Merchandising jobs in fashion, accessories, etc.

You get the picture. Dream jobs people. Big things.

So, anywayyy you guys haven't met our kids yet, have you??? Here's an awkward, retarded video I took this morning of the kids eating the breakfast that I so carefully prepared for them over a hot stove for hours. They might have a BIT of sibling rivalry going on....

Guess what?! My mom and dad are coming in Tampa tonight!!!!!!!!!!! That's why I chose the title The British Are Coming, because I'm a Brit(t) and they are a lot like me, soooo that makes them British, right? ...clever?! I think so.....

I might pee my pants I'm so excited. PLUS, we're going to Bernini's for dinner!!! My favorite restaurant in Tampa. It's a little old Italian place in downtown Ybor City and is where I learned to love me a good dirty martini.

Do you see that giant bee as a door handle? That might be why it's my favorite restaurant...

Off to speed clean the house, pick them up from the airport, then off for martini's and heavenly Italian food!

I'm thankful I get to spend the night with some of my favorite people :) (wish you were here. Kara!)

10-4 Good buddy. 10-4.

1 comment:

  1. I just spent a good hour on pinterest... just because it can never just be a quick second. You can never just "check" your pinterest like you do your fb. It sucks you in dammit, and make me so unproductive. It's a love-hate relationship.

    And B. I cannot believe you posted a video of you feeding your fish... hahaha. my gosh, i love you. Sad thing is, I couldn't help but watch it.


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