
Who let those little mutts goooo?!

Monday morning.

Staring contest me and you. Now.

Who let those dogs out, who let those dogs out? Who let those little mutts goooo?!?

You don't even blink do you?

Finley and I played at my mom and dad's for a while and ate some breakfast

Look at you…you're hungry.

before heading to the Coconut Banger's Ball.

And by that I mean our little house in Indy.

Alright I'm done with the Will Ferrel quotes.

The ride was lonnnnggg and rainy! It's quite the monsoon today. But that's why I come up here..

Naaaa-ture, Goulet!

Ok… sorry, not I'm done. I think..
Lunch was eaten once we'd landed at home on the couch. Barbeque chicken salad from Noodles! It was delicious! You should definitely try it before the summer ends

I spent the entire afternoon job searching whilst watching the last two weeks of SYTYCD…something not so glorious must be balanced by something glorious :)

Some of my favorites…

I actually choreographed to this song my senior year of college and the song still gives me chills.

I have always LOVED this dance and was THRILLED to see it redone. These two aren't necessarily my favorite dancers, but I really think they did a great job.

Several hours later, I was in need of nourishment!

Two plums, greek yogurt, splenda, cinnamon, and cereal!

A while later, I got motivated to do a small workout…but Finley had other plans to meditate...
I had to interrupt his zen moment to do an arms and abs video. It was about 42 minutes long and was very slow but effective!

My friend Stuart and his dog Hank came over, and we took them out on about a 2.25 mile walk down the Monon Trail, then stowed the kids in the kitchen with the baby gate so that we could enjoy an adult beverage. 

We headed to Twenty Tap, a local bar with a beer-zillion different brews down the street from my house.

I found my favorite beer…. maybe EVER.

Blueberry from a local brewery that I now have plans to go to!

I enjoyed my beer with the veggie and cheese plate and the mushroom soup!

It was delightful! We ate outside and chatted the night away!

We walked over to Fresh Market afterwards to guzzle sample coffee and drink almond butter straight from the machine get some needed staples like responsible citizens.

Apparently, the 8.0% in the beer got the best of me, because I had a nut butter accident. While trying to sample, I could figure out how to turn the machine off.. It ended with Stuart yelling at me to "PRESS THE RED, PRESS THE RED!!!!" 

Got a bit more in my "sample cup" than I bargained for and ended up putting half of it in his peanut butter purchase. Sorry Fresh Market…

After closing out the night with headstands in my dining room (Stu has a VERY impressive headstand I must say), I fell into a deep sleep! 

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