
A Life Worth Living

Nothing sexier than the smack of a retainer as you ever so slyly slide into bed next to your lover…

That's where we left off in case you were wondering where I was going. The next morning started out ambitious and full of promise!

I began with a bowl full of pears, cherry Greek yogurt, cinnamon, and cereal for crunch!

I headed out for a spin class with most pregnant woman in the world. She's due this weekend... Mind you, this was Thursday. Yikes.

Needless to say, it wasn't exactly high intensity for fear her water would break. Bless her heart.

This brings up the question- what makes a great group fitness class?

For me, it's three things-

1.) Upbeat or intense music with an instructor that stays with the beat. This can make a HUGE difference! The right music can get me through the toughest workouts!

2.) An instructor that cues consistently but motivates too! Nothing will make the workout go slower than someone who has a vocabulary of " down two, up two" and counting reps. Yuck. Give me someone who says things like, "remember what you came to achieve!" or "push now or regret later, you've got this!"

Cheesy and over the top over repetitive any day!

3.) An instructor who really does the workout with you, and who actually let's on that they are feeling it too! A stone cold steve Austin who doesn't feel anything after the 200th rep just makes me feel badly that my quads are crying.

Hate group or love it, there's something magically motivating about a room of people working together perfectly in sync. I guess that's why after 25 years, I'm still a dancer :)

Most recent picture of my dance skills (close in ability to my numb chuck skills)…

But to get a little serious, I do feel so blessed that I still have dance to completely change how any day may be going... especially on days like yesterday. If you've been reading for a while, you know that I've had about 2 months of hardcore job searching.

It's been like dating, and I'm being completely serious. You put yourself out there and check out "opportunities" that may be a good long term fit for you. You flirt a bit, get to know them, and maybe they ask you out to dinner, maybe not.

Maybe you fall a bit harder than you expected to, and find yourself stalking their Facebook page, asking everyone you know about them, and spending a ridiculous amount of time getting to know them, and trying to establish if you two could really have a future together.

Then, maybe one day, you find out they have chosen someone else, and you soon find yourself bawling over your salad at lunch with your sister because you really thought this was "it."

I guess you could say I "fell in love" with an incredible company and we broke up yesterday.

It's these times I always seem to be handed a reminder from someone, be it God, Buddha, or Oprah for all I know, that speaks to the exact situation I am in. In hopes that maybe this will help you with any struggle you too may be having, here's a section of one of my favorite blogs from yesterday...

We often focus on what we want and what we don’t have rather than what we do have and what we already achieved.
You’ve likely achieved some kind of a goal you had in your mind for yourself to get you to the point where you are in your life right now.
Maybe you can’t find a job right now… or maybe your job totally sucks. Well, you did graduate from college and that’s a pretty awesome achievement. I bet there was a point you were just hoping to get into a certain college. And that sucky job? It will help you gain experience to apply to your next job.
The example my pastor gave related to salaries. Once you get that raise you’ve been coveting, you’re happy, but it doesn’t take too long before you want more… and more… and more.
That’s great… on some levels. Being ambitious and setting goals is incredibly important. Working hard is important.
But so is recognizing your success and enjoying the little everyday successes. Take time to recognize the amazing relationships you have with your sister, husband, children or friends that you work hard to make a priority in your life. Feel proud of the degree you busted your butt to obtain a few years ago. Pat yourself on the back for making it to the gym four times last week. Acknowledge the positive feedback you got from your boss on Monday.
Celebrating the success and achievements we have in our lives is so important. Making goals is important. But being blinded by these goals can be destructive and cause us to miss out on enjoying the rewards of our hard work and the success that comes our way because of our efforts.
There’s always a better job, more money or someone achieving something amazing that you only dream of achieving, but if we only focus on what we don’t have, we’ll miss out on all of the blessings and successes that are right in front of us every single day.

I realize this is quite a lengthy "quote." ha! I just put quote in quotes! However, I think it's worth reading and thinking about. How many times do we want more, (think we) need more, or don't feel satisfied that our lives right now are ENOUGH just as they are.

So, although I'm allowing myself to feel disappointed, today is a day that I'm also grateful for:

A proud dad that always believes in me more than I believe in myself.

A wise and soft hearted mom who always knows what to say.

A sister who gets me, who loves me and laughs with me (and doesn't make me feel awkward for crying at lunch :)

It totally looks like you're naked in this pic. Kara! You're welcome :)

A fun-loving brother who never fails to make us laugh until we pee a little…

Not to mention a brand new nephew who looks at you and makes you believe everything is right in the world.

Ummmm…no words.

Yazz flute :)

A partner who knows me better than I know myself and loves me despite my weirdness, who doesn't just let me act 12, but will act 12 with me so I don't feel stupid.

Friends who are ambitious, endlessly thoughtful, and wildly inappropriate :) Past, present, and future I love you all.

A crazy dog who I absolutely adore because he loves life and makes me laugh every single day.

A life worth living.

I hope that today despite any disappointments, arguments, frustrations, or stresses you may have, that you remember just how lucky you really are.

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