
Hang on to your handle bars

Hang on to your handle bars folks, this day has been quite the ride! I was hoping to save my hairstyle last night for my new Indiana license picture this morning, but two things went wrong there.

1.) Indianapolis was acting more like Seattle last night and this morning and rain=

Wha happened?!?! mah hurr!!!!

2.) I didn't bring half the documents I needed to to get it :( How often does that happen to you at the license branch? I mean it's like they all get together and say, "Hey, how funny would it be to just put a few of the things they need on the website, and then when they get here, let's make em come back all over again!"

Phew. Things must not be too riveting at the BMV these days.

At least not since these licenses were issued...
Sex. Yes Please.

DOB: Not Known.

I got a boner!!! :) McLovin'.

Hanywayssssss……..so, staying true to the spirit of yesterday, instead of getting the many things that I needed to get done, I went to breakfast with my family!

Myles included :)

Bubbas :)

Well, breakfast number two that is…

World, meet my toes. Our mattress is currently on the floor instead of an actual bed, so eating in bed is rather complicated.


Around 7:30, I decided I just couldn't wait for a 9:30 breakfast (FKC Fat. Kids. Club), so I threw together a bowl of frozen berries and bananas, almond milk, cinnamon, and a little mixture that will change your life.

S'mores breakfast blends.

They should call em Smore'z because THAT'S how cool they are. Replace an s with a z in any word to  easily up the cool factor.


Breakfast number two a few hours later was two scrambled eggs with chopped tomatoes alongside some slices of good ole' fashioned turkey!

Random, but delish!

Post-breakfast, I worked steadily on some paperwork, applying for jobs, and changing over my utilities (this is the WORST).

I took a break to go sign up for a gym membership (finally committing! But only after my free classes wore out at every gym in a 50-mile radius), take a cycle class, complete a quick arm workout.

That's what I wish I did…but really, I just did

Bicep press with 8lbs.
Shoulder lifts with 8 lbs.
Tricep kickbacks with 5lbs.

15 of Each, Complete circuit 3 times

I also picked up some things at Target including ink for my wireless printer, after almost 2.5 years, I FINALLY figured out how to print wirelessly! #SmallVictories in technology.

Before settling in for the night, Finley and I took a little adventure.

I brought back my bike from college to be worked on here (the tires ezploded, see it workz with x's too!) :)

So, we walked down to the bike shop by my house, and leisurely"biked" home

What I mean by that is I held on for dear life, giggling and squealing, while Finley ran with his tail between his legs and tried desperately not to get run over by running faster and faster (is this animal abuse???)…

I should have just let him drive.

I arrived home slightly terrified but exhilarated like I remember being after a big hill at age 9!

I'm super tempted to take him and the bike out on another date on the Monon Trail later tonight.

Oh lord, this should be interesting. Keep your fingers crossed for a lack of bruise elbows and skins knees. I'm 12.

Since we're going back to elementary school days, I obviously had to have an afternoon snack.

Lotso watermelon and greek yogurt!

Listen, if you like regular flavor, all natural greek yogurt, please teach me your ways, but most of us protein-craving, average joe's just can't pretend that eating what tastes like a thick sour cream is actually appetizing!

After only finding a few sub-par tasting ones, I wasn't thrilled.

For the rest of us, Light n' Fit has some how come up with an amazing way to pack 12 grams of protein into 80 calories (versus a typical 140-190) of strawberry, delicious greek yogurt! Hallelujah!

Have I told you how much I love this brand?? Oh… I have??

Well, I do.

Other food of the day was a gorgeous colorful salad and a big crock pot soup (already made) that I just added vegetables and chicken to!

Now off to catch up on So You Think You Can Dance!!! Haven't seen it in weeks!!!!!

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