
Playing Ketchup


Time to play ketchup folks.

Tennis is always harder when you're playing ketchup.

Soooo, where did we leave off? 

Our peachy day on Saturday yes.

Peach was followed by booze. Naturally.

A bloody mary at the Broadripple Tavern with Justin and his dad!
We sat in the open air bar for a few hours and had fun catching up on life… I sipped this bloody (I'm almost typed BM, and then thought better of it…sipping on a BM, never a good choice)…and nibbled on some potato skins and pretzel appetizers…

We walked to the liquor store down the street and got some wine for a cookout at my sisters!

Finley and I walked down to my sister's for the second time today! That makes three miles of walking and this was supposed to be my rest day! Oh well...

We walk by this house every time, and I am so smitten with it's white washed bricks and red accents. It's so summer, I love it.

We spent the evening hanging out with Aaron, Kara, Casey, Myles, and the four dogs that were there. Crazy full house!
We ate some delicious barbecue chicken, grilled corn from the farmer's market and tomatoes from their garden! Makes me want to be 100% self-sustaining some day…. I'm gonna have to work on that. The farmer's market will work for now.

I got a full night's sleep and started my Sunday morning with a bowl of apples, strawberry Greek yogurt, cereal, and almond butter

Plus a Les Mils Body Combat class followed by a CX Works class.

Body combat is a martial arts and boxing focused full-body workout that left my arms and upper back soooo sore today!

CX works focuses on working the entire core from the chest to the bum.

It was a solid hour and a half of butt-kicking. It was a great way to get my day started!

Lunch was a salad much like the ones from earlier in the week, along with some leftover veggie and chicken soup!

Holy goodness.

I must have kicked my own ass a little too hard, because I was whooped for the rest of the day. I mean, I literally only got off the couch to start a load of laundry and get some groceries at Teeerget!

I am finally able to go in there and not feel stressed out listening to the walkies :)

I mean, I couldn't even get the energy to pick up my computer and blog with all you folks. So I threw on my sweats tighty, whities, pulled my hair into a ponytail mullet and embraced it- Sex In the City reruns and all.

Sorry folks, this is the only glimpse you get into yesterday afternoon.

Luckily, around 4PM, I drank a Mountain Dew and it saved me. I bought a ticket to go to the Last Summer on Earth (Barenaked Ladies, Blues Traveler, Cracker, Big Head Todd and the Monsters) concert at White River with some friends, and I didn't want to miss it because I couldn't drag myself out of a stank!

I rode down with Stuart and Whitney to Scotty's Brewhouse for a brewsky before the concert!

The rest of the night was spent with feet in the grass

Dancing, people watching,

and obviously shenanigans.

The concert was great and I'm so glad I got the caffeine I needed so I could enjoy it and not be a bum!

The concert was right by the White River and it was beautiful with the city lights over it.

Though I didn't get to bed until late, I was nervous about an interview this morning so I woke up bright and early at 7AM ready to do some prep and research!

Oatless oats with almond butter and strawberries to fuel!

After I felt comfortable and ready to go, I hit the gym to do a BodyWork, conditioning workout with a lady from the Czech Republic, she was INTENSE!!

Felt so good to release some endorphins to overtake some of the nerves.

I needed a snack before, so I ate some greek yogurt with grapes and a giant coffee!

The interview went pretty well… I think. I don't know, I always give it my all, but the more I think about it afterward, the more I start to doubt myself. Do you guys ever feel this way?? Confident at first and then over think everything?? Grrr… why can't I not be analytical and self-critizing for once???

Anyway, I had to get on with my day so I started roasted some veggies for the week and ate some green and red pepper, zucchini, and garbanzo beans topped with hummus, cottage cheese, and marinara sauce for a light lunch!

Finley and I went on a quick 15 minute walk, and apparently it wasn't enough for him, because he's sitting here staring at me like, "Really, mom? Is THIS what we're doing today?" And every once in a while he'll bark just confirming that he's not happy about it.

Quick snack of a smoothie then off to a Pacers appearance tonight!

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