
Here we go now.

Here we go, here we go now, oh! Here we go, here we go, here we go now, what?! Naughty by Nature, anyone?? Anyone???

Guess no one else was born in the 80's.

You guys probably don't know about the Beastie Boys either, huh?

Brass Monkey!! That funky monkey!

No? Not that either.

Big gulps heh? Welp….see ya later!

In case you were inquiring to yourself, according to the literary genius of UrbanDictionary.com, a "Brass Monkey" is 40 of Olde English 800 mixed with some OJ. 

Exhibit A.

Typically one drinks the 40 down until the beer is level with the top of the cylinder of the bottle, then fill the bottle back up to the top with orange juice.

It is a very tasty treat.

Otherwise known as the "poor man's 
You wanna hit this Cognac man?

Nah… Brass Monkey's until the day I die…

Soooo… like I ever so gracefully began, here we go now….

We'll make this one short and sweet because it has been a long, fun day, and my heart is full but my eyes are oh so heavy! Bed is calling me!

If you were wondering where I've been for the past few days, and even if you weren't, let's pretend you were…. I've been running from phone interview to real interview to third interviews, to first interviews, to terrible interviews, then to not so terrible interviews.

Holy crap, I am SO sick of talking about myself. No more 5-year goals, no more "strengths and opportunities," no more "So, why _______ (insert company name here)," no more, "walk me through your resume."

Oh my gosh, if one more person asks me to walk them through my resume, I'm going to walk them right off a cliff.

Ok, so it's really not that bad, I'm just being overly dramatic, because I can only have so many of these things before I start going a tad nuts. Give me just this one time to vent, kids, just this once.

Alright, back to your regularly scheduled blogging….

Here is food for the past few days…

Just beat it….Just beat it!!!!!
Tried to roast beets..not so much.. I was NOT a fan of the flavor…maybe candied beets, but these were a disaster.

Lots of bowls of this Paleo oatmeal this week!

Salad with veggie pattie from Subway that I ate before I remembered to shoot a picture…so I had to take it up really close to pretend there was more than a bite left.

Some lovely produce! Clementines and bluuuuu-berries!

Justin and I finally ate at Mama Corolla's in Broadripple with Kara, Aaron, Mom and Dad, it was FANTASTIC!

This walnut encrusted tilapia with asparagus was tah doi fwah!

Little creation of summer squash, zucchini, potatoes, chick peas, cottage cheese, and marinara!

Smoothie made with Shakeology mix (wonderful!) that gave me TONS of energy! Has 70 some ingredients designed to give your body everything it needs in one serving.

We also got to have dinner with our friends John and Erika this week which I was so excited about! 

Plus we got to try a new restaurant in the process! Erika and I shared a spinach salad with bacon, apples, etc. and a crepe with brussel sprouts and goat cheese that will change your life.

It was called Brugge Brasserie, it was an adorable little European cafe that made it's own beer!

Smoothie the next morning to make up for the beer. 
But holy ball sacs, this tasted like a blueberry doughnut! 
  • Vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/3 cup almond milk
  • Ice and water to add volume
  • Dash of cinnamon and xanthum gum for thickness

 Speaking of ball sacs, those clementines made several appearances this week! They are so easy to grab and take in the car...
Is this picture awkward for anyone else? Fondling...

And followed by nuts that I also ate in the car waiting for interviews…the awkwardness continues.
Salty. Wink.

Roasted sweet potato fries that I ate with peanut butter (don't knock it until you try it).

Speaking of fat snacks, check out my nephew!! I went with Kara to get him weighed this week...

Weighin' in at 9.8 lbs. up from 8 just two weeks ago! Fella knows how to pack on the pounds.

Breast milk is key, in case you were wondering.

Walgreens has free lactation consultancy and scale to weigh your baby on every Wednesday! What a great resource for new moms!

Umm, hi!!! Look at Lola on his onesie :)

If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Myles Martin. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please refer to the classic cinema entitled Billy Madison. Not to be confused with Billy Elliot.

You want to see one more cute thing before I go??

Ok, ok, calm down! I'll show you!

This is what happens when you give a puppy an empty bag of dog food. Kind of like when you give a mouse a cookie, but funnier.

Love this one because he runs his head into the door in the first 3 seconds of the video. Gosh, my dog is smart.

Anyway, between interviews, outings with friends and family, watching Finley be a tard, and trying to keep my life together, this week has flown by!

Then, it was off to the lake Friday night!

My boys with their eyes on the ole' road.

Before Fin got bored. Nap time it is.

Friday night was filled with a glass of Pinot Grigio, the shellfish trio from Ruby Tuesday's, and chatting with my parents. Angola at it's finest, folks.

Oh, yes, she's a beaut, ain't she??

Saturday was filled with a surprise "30th birthday party" for a friend of my sister's, Meredith. Her birthday is actually in January, but she has always wanted a summer birthday to celebrate at the lake, so we finally gave her one :)

Days spent outside on the water are the best!

A little Mexican food in our bellies and lots of time chatting with friends, and we are all pooped!


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