
So Fetch.

I just found this unposted post from a few weeks ago (the horror!) and am combining it with today's since they contain similar events!

I slept until 9AM today! What the heck is up?!I rarely sleep that late! Since I was off to a leisurely start, I figured I would continue the trend and head to my favorite coffee shop for coffee topped with cinnamon and mocha (my new favorite) and a cup of fruit!

I took Finley with me and we ended up playing fetch in my sisters backyard down the street. I realize it's odd to play with your dog in someone elses backyard, bur believe me when I tell you they have a killer "fetch" yard.

No, not like Gretchen Weiners' "fetch"

What I mean is it's long and skinny and Fin can easily run himself tired in it. That's the point right?

No no…. no one plays actually fetch for the "enjoyment of the canine" it's most definitely for the sanity of the parents.

Lezbehonest. :)

After that, I headed to tire myself out at a strength training class and it worked! :)

Lunch was at a local Broadripple place I've been wanting to try-1001.

I opted for the pear Effie salad along with corn green chile chowder which was to die for!

Definitely going to try and recreate this lunch.

After a shower and packing session at the speed of life, I hopped in the car to meet some other Pacers dancers for a performance in Fort Wayne.

On my way there!!!

It was at Foellinger theatre an was a fundraiser for a local man who has a rare type of cancer. As a retired veteran, the government was paying for his treatment and medical services necessary to fight the disease. Until this year. The laws have changed and he is no longer covered.

He had decided to stop fighting becaue of this, and luckily his friends and family took a stand and came up with this fundraiser to help cover the enormous costs of chemotherapy.

I'm so thankful to be able to support this man and those who live him dearly.

All the girls.

Now onto this Saturday!

Today my mutt so kindly woke me up at 5:50AM. It's Saturday. Argh. Love hate I tell you love hate. I tried to go back to sleep but he was ready to take on the day. "yay"

Oh well, if you can't beat em (believe me, I considered it... Damn animal control), join em!

So, I dragged myself out of bed and whipped up an old Autumn Apples bowl!

Love these things!

Spinning class followed and was full of characters this morning! First, we have your traditional head bobber. Bobble head on a bike if you will (and I will). I couldn't stop myself from giggling every time I looked at thus guy... Aside from bobble heading, he had the biggest goofiest grin on his face ever... Like maybe this was his first time riding a bike?? Not sure if it counts if it's stationary, but I'm rooting for you anyway!

There he is, my new favorite person.

Then, you've got your classic Kara look alike. Oh my. Not just any look alike. Literally... I've known my sister for 25 years now, and I took, not a double take, but more like an every-10-seconds take. Now, mind you the only reason I didn't go up and credit card her (see here for definition), was because we were in a public spinning class. And if I know my sister like I think I know her, she'd never be caught dead in a spinning class.

 Nor would she publicly dig for gold like this girl did. I mean, it was so bad I almost asked her if she got it at the end of class. But then, I reminded myself that I've had a big bat in my cave on more than one occasion.

But I digress, spinning was followed by a quick shower and an appearance at Castleton mall!

Jimmy John's on the way with wayyy too much makeup on for a sub shop :)

This one was also for a great cause!

You can find the story behind it here.

It was my first appearance with a player, as Roy Hibbert sat right next to us! I'm so glad it was such a meaningful one! We took pictures with fans, signed autographs, and of course got all set up to be bone marrow donors should we be a match for a leukemia patient. What an amazing gift that would be to be able to save someones life.

Now, I'm out giving Finley a little exercise before having a cocktail and heading out for the night!

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