
Quarter of a Century

It's mah BERFDAYYYYY!!!!!

I am officially 25 today.


Things do not necessarily look how I thought they'd look at 25. Do you guys always think you'll have it all "figured out" by a certain age (18, 21, 25, 30, etc) and then realize as you get older, that you may never have it figured out???

Certainly, some things are more figured out than I thought! I have a house, a dog, a life partner :), and am blessed with a brand new nephew and a family I adore!

Other things such as a dream job, marriage, maturity, kids, etc. I am still waiting on. Hey, guess there's a time and place for everything and 25 seems to be more for aunting, dancing, traveling, and more! When I think about it, I like that even better than jobs and maturity anyway :)

So, how did I spent my 9,125th day? I began it like most days…

Weird looking, but delicious food and a BodyPump class!

Above is a green pumpkin smoothie!

-3/4 a banana
-2 scoops vanilla protein powder
-1/4 cup pumpkin
-1.5 cups spinach (hence the green)
- 1/4 cup almond milk

I caught someone celebrating my birthday…

Look, Mom! Confetti!

Love that it's just hanging from his mouth, but he completely tried to act like he wasn't doing anything when I walked back in the room. Caught red handed orange lipped.

I spent my birthday doing all of the things I love (starting with a little exercise)…. I got to see this little guy!

Hi buddy! LOVE the shirt you picked out today! :) My mom, sister, and dad came over to my house and we walked to lunch!

The place we were originally going to was closed so we headed to Taste a few blocks away!

Taste. So European right now.

I made my own salad with apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, eggs, bleu cheese, topped with honey tarragon!

And a red curry soup that was so spicy I could barely eat it!

Someone wanted to sit at the table with the big kids :)

We then headed home to get Myles fed, while my mom and I ran to get my birthday present! New running shoes!!! Yay!!!!

Slight improvement…

Check out the high tech holes on the outside of both shoes and the sweet one in front of the right.

I am so grateful to still be getting presents! I thought this stopped at 21, but keep em comin' people! But really, I am blessed with such amazing friends

Here are some of my birthday gifts for surviving 25 years of life. Not a small feat my friends.

My girls and I spent the rest of the afternoon eating Huddles, 


Obviously bought these gift bags for those I love most.


and getting pedicures/manicure for me. If you don't already know this about me. I am a freak. I literally cannot get a pedicure without jacking someone in the face. I am so ticklish that it's weird, not funny, weird. And very awkward for whoever has the unfortunate job of trying to subdue my uncontrollable feet.

It's a serious problem.

We then went home because SOMEONE needed to eat (no not me, for once, Myles!)

Well, I guess we did too..so we spent the evening watching The 5 Year Engagement (if they think that's bad, try The 10 Years Without an Engagement! Now THAT'S an Oscar nominee waiting to happen…..:)

With takeout obviously… No fancy dinner for this b-day girl. I had planned on Sushi, but the rain, the movie, and the cool fall air made it much more appealing to curl up with the fam inside.

Pretty darn good birthday takeout if you axe me.

Here are my 25th birthday presents!

Notice the theme here…either yellow or fiery (in more ways than one :)

As I approach a quarter of a century, I must ask myself the age old question, the one we all ask ourselves as our impending agefalls upon us like a heavy blanket….

How many pizza express cups does
one person actually need?

Apparently just about equal to my age…

But really it does cause me to question…. what's important to me at 25?

1.) My family. It's amazing just how much 6 people and 3 dogs can mean to you.
2.) Good, ambitious, kind-hearted friends who inspire me to be better everyday.
3.) Balance and happiness.
4.) Finding a job that I love and challenges me to use all of my talent.
5.) Self-expression through whatever form, be it physical dancing, running, yoga, writing, photographs, painting, it is so important to me at this point in my life to be able to quiet my mind and finding my center.

I wonder if I will look back on this list another 25 years from now and laugh, or whether my list will be the same? Only time can answer this…

Hope you take the time today to reflect what's important to you and how you make these things a priority day-to-day.

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