
It's EZ.

Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa Mother Nature.

When I said I was excited for the changing seasons yesterday, waking up to 44 degrees is NOT what I meant!!!!! I just wanted you to change the colors of the leaves but keep it warm here!

What do you mean you can't do that?!

 It doesn't work that way???


Awww shoot. After two years of temperatures in the high 70's and low 80's all year round??? I am screwed you guys.

Though I did find a great way to warm up!

Paleo Oatmeal is easily one of my new favorite breakfasts, I'm smitten with it!

You know what else is heartwarming?


Good old fashioned carbs…

Ummmmm cute. Side note- just WAIT until you see Myles' Halloween costume :)

Orrrrrr new fashioned bread! Check this out you guys, Ezekial bread is made from all sprouted grains!

The company reached out to me and asked if I'd like to try their all natural, flour less bread, and of course I said yes! 

They use real wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt only to make bread, how cool is that?

It's really cool that they trace this recipe all the way back to the Bible scripture! Now, I don't know much about the bible, but I do know a lot about living well and nutrition and this bread was not only delicious, nutty, made a KILLER PBJ,

but the stats speak for themselves!

 Is there anything here that you don't recognize?? Nope, me neither.

Still very reasonable in calories, healthy carbohydrates, protein (in bread?!), and look POTASSIUM!!! Who needs nanners?! 

I loved it.

The choice is EZ folks (get it??? :)

A huge THANK YOU to the team at Ezekial for sending me not one but two loaves of this glorious bread!

Alright, onto more entertainment!

Found this little gem last night….

Oh, and I have one more treat for you guys… This is a thanks to you for listening to me rant on about being 25…


I spent the morning doing loads of laundry, on phone interviews, and and doing this workout from Treble in the Kitchen!

It was a great way to get my heart pumping and get in a bit of arms, legs, and cardio all in one workout that only took about 20 minutes!

Now, it's time for the recap… of the biggest day of the year in display of shear physical strength and awesomeness.

Nope, not the Super Bowl…..So You Think You Can Dance Finals!

Here are some of my favorite moments from the season if you missed it…

Oh my. It's hard to make a Titanic remake not cheesy, and by God they did it!

LOVE when they break the bats.

Circle of Life on steroids.

As an avid Lion King lover, and having seen this on Broadway, I absolutely adored this.

And I'll stop myself from announcing the winners, just in case you didn't tune in…but just know that I was VERY pleased and hopefully you were too!

Lunch was leftover birthday Chinese food!

 Lettuce wraps

Tofu with veggies!

Then, another little Asian moon pie came my way :)

Oh you little twinkle toes you :)

Little lumpkin and I spent the afternoon trying to get comfy, but we just couldn't! Finley tried to help, see his face in some of these??? :) I fed him twice, I changed his diapee twice, and plugged him up gave him the pacifier… but he just wasn't satisfied unless he was being held. Sometimes, you just need nuggies.

Kara is my hero now, after trying to keep him happy all afternoon. How does she do it? It's sooo hard!!!

Evening was much less of a challenge...

Finley ate carved our pumpkin.

Picked up a new bed frame we found on Craigslist for only 20 bucks! Score!

Finley posed like a murderer for pictures...

Now all three of us are snacking and watching Justin's favorite movie ever (the only movie he's ever bought in his entire life)…Disney's Oceans :)

Suzy, I hope you're reading this and laughing right now :)

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