
And She's Off! The Floor.

Hope you h e your snuggies handy folks... It's still chilly here! Meaning below 70 degrees. Gosh, Tampa, you really made me a sissy! You really Tampa'd with my tolerance for cold if ya know wutta mean!! Whhawhoawhoawhoa! :)

I'm so cool.

Soooo, once I got the courage to throw off my snuggie and get wild, I made scrambled pancakes again ( the main ingredient to these is being a really bad pancake flipper... Check!)

Topped with blueberry Greek yogurt and blueberries with a slab of peanut butter of course! Can't go a day without my beloved nut butter<-- that's what she said!

After breakfast, I headed out for an interview/shadow. It went great, and I ended up going out for lunch with the COO. Chief Officer Officer is what that stands for according to my mom :)

Slightly intimidating building :)

We went out for Mexican food in Broadripple! He has a passion for Mexican that parallels mine, so we had lots to talk about. I had a grilled chicken salad with tomatoes, avocado, and white cheese (I can't get enough of this) with a side of beans (used to defend myself later when Justin made a solid attempt to Dutch oven me). Good stuff. Meal is unpictured for good reason. "Hi! Will you give me a job?! I promise I'm not weird.)

The latter part of the afternoon was spent getting our new bed together!!! A little jigsaw puzzle of a bed frame, a trip to lowe's, and some jimmy rigging, and we're good! She's off the floor folks.

Now for a headboard, bedskirt, and more pointless throw pillows (I am my mother's daughter)  :)

We decided to leave the brown one downstairs with our old bed since it matches perfectly.

Strides. Small, small strides. My dad came over to help me put the frame together, then I returned the favor and went over to his house to help him move their bed from one room into the other. A lot of moving/transitioning in our family if you haven't noticed!

Finished up with laundry, dishes, and some picking up around the house before heading to a BodyWorks class, then practice!

It was quite the active night, and I was exhausted when I got home, but my dinner had been about 6 hours ago,

Dinner was spaghetti squash, steamed veggies, cheese, and marinara!

Best mango ever.

so I crammed down a mango and bowl of soup, before hitting the sack! It was amazing to sleep more than 6 inches off the floor. I slept like a baby. Poor Justin, he wants to move it back on the floor. He's 12.

Tomorrow will finish off our bed putting together! We have an exciting road trip planned.

I'm gonna go all 90's Saved By the Bell on You… TGIF!!!!

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