
Downward Dog.

Hunger Games.

Sweet titties. In my face.


You get it Katniss Everdeen. You get it.

Gosh, all I need is a pleather suit on fire and I can be her.

Listen guys, if you want to send one my way, I will be much obliged. Promise.

Let's just say this. 

It was good.

Not like the book was good.

But it certainly satisfied my need for darkness/action/killing. I usually have such a veracious appetite for such things you know. It hardly ever ceases.

Don't hesitate to see it. It even got the Adams stamp of approval.

Sunday night was ended with dinner with my parents as they were in town picking up my two aunts and uncle on my mom's side!

We stopped by the Bungalow and grabbed a bite!

I had the Tuna Tataki salad with avocado! Or the tuna tacos as my parents understood :)

The rest of the evening was spent oogling over Sir Finigus obviously. What else do we do anymore??? 

Look how big he's getting!!!!

This was a video for Aunt Laura who has been asking for more Finley pics… I'm sure she's just humoring me, but I love her for it :) Don't worry Aunt Kara, remember that box of toys you sent him?? He's obviously crazy about you.

Anyway, I made it an early night to compensate for an early morning. A 4:45AM wake up call morning.

Ugh. I hate opening. Yuck. Our family got off to a bit of a rough start this morning with Finster being extra needy and barking while mom made breakfast and waking dad up at 5. Yeesh.

Anyway, work started off not so great either, with one call out, and three people going home sick. Tis' the season. 

Halftime. Chicken, snow peas, green peppers, quinoa, and tikka masala sauce! Plus two kiwis! Power foods unite. Delish. 

The day was full of walking the store for inventory prep, a signing compliance assesment, and ad walk, and I finished up the day though with a great meeting with my boss presenting my 60 and 90 day action plans for the team and some laughs with my Team Leaders.

Came home to my two handsome man, and the Roto Rooter man. Of course, who else spends more time at our house than us three and every plumber in Tampa??

After that, I rounded up the kids for dinner….

Spaghetti squash, veggie pasta, ground turkey, red and yellow peppers, marinara, and mozzarella cheeeessseee!!!!!

Speaking of cheese…what a ham…
He totally posed for that. He looked so cute, I literally said, ok go pose Fin! And he walked back to the door and sat like that. Are jew kidding me????

Fin and I had some quality mommy Finny time when Justin went to soccer. I felt like getting my zen on, so I rolled out the old yoga mat, and halfway through warrior pose sequence, Finley decided to do the downward dog all over my yoga mat. And by that I mean, he pissed all over it.

So much for zen time. I will never again be able to do downward dog without peeing a little myself. From laughing that is.

After we kissed and made up, we enjoyed some mango, hot chocolate, and Dancing with the Stars together to rebuild our relationship.


Oh man. 

And now we're here.

Jodi, see how much he loves the ball you gave him? He literally snuggles with it. Brownie points for you.

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