

Ahhhhh, this weekend was spent doing a lot of this...

On the couch in an advanced yoga move. 

Or just on the couch.

Or on my laundry in this kid's case.

Guess no one can resist the feel of fresh, warm laundry…not even Finnster. BTDubs, Finley has a Facebook page coming up soon. Hit up his wall once you search Sir Finigas. 

You know what I can't resist???

This action...

With this view…

This is what morning runs on Bayshore look like for us. Can you blame us for loving it? Es mi favorita. 

Lately we've been pretty good about getting those in followed by some weights…

Check out those biceps. Yea dawg.

He's sexy and he knows it.

Most recently, those two things are followed by something that looks like this...

or this…

Always a fruit and yogurt kind of breakfast with mix ins. It takes a lot to get me to have a protein packed breakfast, I just like somethin' a little sweet and nutty in the morning <--TWSS

Although, I did manage to make myself eat an egg and sausage b-fast on one of my days off!

It was alright, but I totally wanted a brownie afterwards, too much savory not enough sweet.

I get enough savory in all my later meals, like this colorful creation!

Gorgeous orange and red peppers with spinach.

Sauteed it up and topped a whole wheat tortilla with it along with marinara and cheeeesseee!!!

Other colorful creations as of late:

Coconut curry with tofu chicken, squash, zucchini, and peppers.


Parmesan brussel sprouts, roasted cauliflower, topped with egg!

Spinach salad and tomato basil!

Tofu with broccoli and snow peas plus ice cream! :)

Wrap with hummus and veggies...

Acorn squash soup with carrots, spinach, celery, and corn!

I FINALLY feel like I've had the time and energy to get back into the kitchen again! Wahoo!

And it probably has a lot to do with this:

Do you SEE all that rain?! It's like a sheet.

C'mon! Even Finley won't go outside! Sissy.

He has been one tough cookie about one thing though.

He is teething MAJORLY!!! 

Look at those CHOMPERS!!! BAH!

Summer teeth. Sum er there, sum er not. :) Thanks dad.

Plus he is just getting gigantic.

Check out that tongue. Hilarious. He's our "special one."

I mean, really?? Huge.

What happened to this?!

Dear Baby Finley,
I miss you. You're cute.

Dear Giganto Finley,
You're still pretty cute :)

Actually, Giganto Finley has a lot to look forward to. He's going to have a lot more room to run soon :) Plus a lot more friends.

This is from Duane- our soon to be neighborhood top dog.

That's right. Justin and I are MOVING!!!! AGAIN!!!!!

But guess where???

Remember this little guy?

No, not the blonde one…

Well, at least I don't think he's blonde :)

The one in Kara's belly!!!!!!

Well, turns out, I think I kinda like him. Like love him like him. And his mom too. She's cool also I guess.

Sooooo, we're moving down the street from Kara, Aaron, and the little bambino in Indianapolis!!!!!


Into this adorable little cottage!

Holy white picket fence.

Goodbye beautiful weather (and friends1) and jobs!!!

Hello family, friends, babies, yellow lab cousins, fairy tale cottage, seasons, and happiness!!! :) :) :)

You guys know how hard it has been being away from family and friends. Well, heck that's why I started this blog in the first place, to keep up with them while I was across the country! Now, it's time to  start our own lives in the place we know, love, and want to raise our kids! Plus be near the ones that are coming wayyyy sooner, my sister's!

Note to self, read this post when the little "bambino" vomits on you at 2AM in January because you offered to babysit. Aw, crap.

Family first?????….

We never know in our lives if we're making the right decisions, but if you're heart flutters one direction and sinks in another, it's probably best to go with the first direction :)

So, in July, we will be starting the next adventure in our lives of moving back to Indianapolis on the same street as my sister and one street over from my parents (I've never actually lived there, but Justin has), and becoming aunts and uncles!! Could not be more thrilled, and the day can't come fast enough!

Yay for the important things in life :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Brit, you had me crying through this one! I'm so glad you will all be together again. There aren't many people who are as lucky as we are to have such wonderful families. I know you will enjoy every moment of being an aunt! Hope to see you all soon!


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