
Happy Hallo-weiner!!!!!

Happy Saturday!

Actually VERY happy Saturday. So, I woke up with  my head feeling like it was going to explode from last night's festivities and had an overpowering craving for waffles, see above. So, I might have had one adult beverage too many last night...and by one I mean seven. I walked into the kitchen and my costume was laying on the floor, then I walked into the living room and Justin's costume was laying on the floor. Wild night I guess ;) Ya right, we ordered dominoes and I fell asleep before it even got there.

As promised.... I will not make you wait any longer....

Hot dawwwgggg and mustard!!!

So happy to be yellow!!!

ohohohoh.... he got me good!!!!

With the sexy school girl! I'm a school lunch now!!!!!
Did someone say hot dawwggg?!?!? Cannibalism at its best.

I also met my future husband last night.

Just teasing, this dead sexy man is my future hubs and comes in 57 flavors of fun.

It was sooo fun! Everything is funnier in a hot dog. You'd be surprised at how many puns are possible when you're walking around as a giant weiner between two buns. Ok, maybe you wouldn't be surprised.

Justin was such a good sport about it. At first he didn't want to put it on, and he was like babe I really like it but I'm not sure if I can where it out to the bars.... Next thing I know, we're at MacDinton's and he's still in his giant mustard costume telling everyone he's 14 ounces of heaven and "squirting" everyone. He was all about it...

SOOOO..... I have some BIG news.........No, Justin's not pregnant.........

This is how I feel right now...
I can't tell you something!!!!!!


I got a call this morning from Laura telling me he proposed to her this morning while they were in Bloomington for the IU homecoming. He took her to their favorite park and got on one knee!!!!! :) :) :) 

I love it. I am so excited and I can't even handle it!!!!!! I am sooo disappointed that I can't be there to celebrate with her properly though. What is with the fall engagements when I'm not home, people?! First, my sister's last year and Laura's this year? Kills me. Butttt... I am super happy to celebrate with her when I come home for T-giving.

Ode to Laura and Evan
10 reasons I know Laura and Evan were made for each other:

1.) Evan's last name is Blum. Laura is our delicate flower. Her name is going to be Laura Blum. Holy cute.
2.) They went to Europe together for multiple weeks and didn't kill each other :)
3.) I have never filtered myself around Evan...and he still likes me (I think.....)
4.) I never feel like a third wheel around them... actually I recall a few times in college having snuggies on the couch with both of them plus Ruby (one big happy family)
5.) They are both science nerds and have the same sense of humor
6.) He treats her like gold....and her friends too!
7.) He's a REALLY good dresser. Hey, don't underestimate the power of a pair of chino shorts and a nautical belt.
8.) He sends her real love letters in the mail.
9.) He paid for a plane ticket for me to surprise Laura on her birthday.
10.) They are too cute for words together.

Too cool for med school.

How fun are these two?!

presh. I love them.

See, I told you he was a good dresser. Sorry Laura, not tryin to hit on your man.... I'm just sayin'!

So, onto other more important news..... teasing.. I completely forgot to tell you, I got a package in the mail yesterday! I love getting packages, it's like Christmas. Guess what it was?! 
Shwhat could it be?!
A RED RYDER BB GUN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Nope. Good guess. It was the Black and Decker 8-cup food processor! Hmmm...doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it??? Grown up Christmas sucks. Actually, it was still really fun to open, and I can't wait to see what I can do with it. A little nervous about operating this heavy machinery though considering it took me 45 minutes just to figure out how to assemble it.

I almost shot my eye out trying to put that dang thing together.

So, I obviously had to try it out immediately, and made Genius Blondies from ChocolateCoveredKatie (this is a great vegan dessert recipe website).

Annnnddd the verdict?!

They blew.

Well, at least I though so.But it wasn't the processor's fault. The recipe called for ground flaxseed. I didn't feel like grinding my flaxseed. I know, when don't I feel like grinding (insert shout out to Allie Stout for her frequent references to grinding here)?! So, they turned out weird. Eh, you win some, you lose some.

 Howeverrr.... much to my delight Justin said he had one last night and they were really good. Then, when I told him what was in them, he tried to retract his statement and say he needed to try them again. Sorry partner, you liked cookies with BEAANNNNSSSS in them!!!! Wahahahaha. Oh, I get such a kick out of it when he likes something healthy and doesn't realize it.

Ok, so I eat a lot of smoothies, and I say eat because I put them in a bowl and usually top them with crunchy things.

Here's my go-to that I had today to tide me over until din din:

So many food groups in one delicious bowl!

PB and Yay! Smoothie in a Bowl

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/3 frozen berries of any kind
  • 1 handful spinach (I swear you can't taste it!)
  • 1 T peanut butter
  • 1/4-1/2 C milk (I use vanilla almond)
  • 1 T sugar or Splenda
  • 1 t xanthum gum (I didn't know what this was for the longest time... it's a thickening agent for gluten-free foods... just gives a thicker texture)
  • 4-5 ice cubes
Puree all ingredients together in a blender, top with something delicious like Cranberry Nutty Granola!

After some serial lazing around, watching of Will Ferrel and snuggies on the couch, I tried a new recipe for dinner- Healthified Chicken n' Dumplings

It was a mini victory. It was so delicious and J even loved it!!! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hall-eeeeehh-lu-jahhhhh!!!!

Healthy Indianer Chicken and Dumplins'

  • 8 cups of chicken stock
  • 2 chicken breast
  • 1 small yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 medium sized potatoes, chopped
  • 2 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup corn
  • 1 cup peas
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup white flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk mixed with 1 Tbsp lemon juice
Pour the 8 cups of chicken stock into a large pot.  Turn the burner on high heat and cover for about 3 minutes to allow the broth to warm up.
Place the chicken breast in the broth and allow to boil for 6-7 minutes or until the chicken is cooked all the way through.   

While the chicken is cooking in the broth, chop all of your vegetables (potatoes, onion, celery, and carrots).  

Once the chicken is cooked thoroughly, remove the chicken from the broth and allow to cool before shredding it while the vegetables are cooking.

Carefully put the vegetables in the broth.

Cover the vegetables and leave the burner on medium-high heat.  allow the vegetables to cook for 10 minutes or until tender. 

While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the dumpling dough by mixing together the whole wheat flour, baking powder, salt, and milk with lemon juice.  This will form a thick dough.  Once the vegetables are tender, add the chicken back into the broth and place about 8 dollops of the dough onto the broth.

Cover the pot once again and allow the dumplings to cook for 4 minutes.  Once you raise the lid, the dumplings will have cooked!

A homey, warm, healthy feeling is included :)

Now to resume position on the couch.

Good night!


  1. I am so excited for Kev and Laura BLUM! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm loving this blog so much. I really can't believe how much you're cooking!

    Also, I'm absolutely obsessed/in love with my food processor. You should try to make falafel in yours!

    XOXO best friend!

  2. Thanks blowphie!! I really can't believe it either.... it's so unlike me, buttttt it gives me a creative outlet to bare my soul!!!! The food processor is life changing, really. Really. Falafel?! Do share!!!!!!

  3. Awwww... you love me! And Evan loves me!! I'm so loved!!! I wish so badly you could've been there too, but ya can't be everywhere dude. I know you wanted to be here and that's good enough for me. We just have to make a date on Thanksgiving break and do all the fun things that Evan doesn't get quite as excited about as I do.... deal??? Good. Can't wait.

    Also I'm with blowph on this one - since when do you cook?? And why couldn't this have started senior year when I lived with you??? C'mon!!


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