
B-Town or Bust- The Rules of Two Dollar Tuesday

Tuesday morning began with a DELICIOUS treat!!!

A pancake gone wrong.

Man, I just have to get the hang of these things at some point! Goo! It totally crumbled. But, I gotta tell ya, I splashed some syrup on it, added some coconut and walnuts and enjoyed the heck out of it!

In the mix:

1/2 cup Egg Whites
1 mashed banana
1/4 cup almond milk
2 Tbsp. Greek yogurt
1 tsp. cinnamon
Splash of vanilla extract

Mix well, and put in a skillet sprayed with cooking spray, and cook on low for about 4 minutes each side. And then mess it all up because it's better that way anyway :)

Pancake was followed by the gym! I took a BodyWorks Plus Abs class, really becoming a fan of these things then conquered a 20-minute elliptical workout found here!

I have got to have a ton of variety and constant change in any elliptical or treadmill workout or I get bored to tears! This one changed every minute, so it flew by!

Pei Wei for lunch!

I love the pot racks here, I'm thinking about getting one for my kitchen!

Couldn't help myself, I munch on three of these orange slices while I waited. "For your drink" meant, take one, stick it in my soda, look to see if anyone's watching, then pick it back up and eat it off the peel! They were so fresh, I could stay away!

Lunch was Ginger Broccoli with tofu and veggies. I usually tell them to hold the rice and just do extra veggies instead.

I loved my fortune cookie! I feel like I'm taking many many small jumps these days instead of any big leaps…on the job front, on the fitness front, on the "where is my life going front," and sometimes they can feel more satisfying than the leap.

After spending a great part of the afternoon answering e-mails, following up with jobs, researching companies, I decided to do something fun for Finley. We went hiking!!!



I tell you what, he has really come to LOVE the water, and I couldn't be more pleased. He's a laker like his mama.

Sometimes I forget how much it can clear your mind to be out in nature. Just to walk through the forest, or to watch the water or just to be quiet and listen to the birds outside your window or the breeze. It's important to take these moments when we live in a world where the noise never stops, we're never really able to "shut off" for constant use of cell phones, computers, TV's…

After we explored Ferngully the park, it was time to get ready to relive my glory days.

Bloomington, here I come!!!!

It was somebody's birthday…..

The lady to the left! Deep throat downtown Rachel Brown! She turned a quarter of a century old today, and I wasn't gonna miss the opportunity to celebrate with her!

Rachel and I were on the dance team at IU together during college and then lived together senior year. She's still rockin' out in B-town in optometry school, so I headed south to partake in undergrad activities!



Two dollar Tuesday.

The rules of such an occasion are as follows.

1.) ALWAYS start with a solid base of food (unless you want to puke a solid base of food up in your hair at the end of the night). I "never did that…."

I started with tomato basil soup, an salad (not pictured) with cranberries, pecans, bleu cheese, and chicken.

It doesn't hurt to add ice cream cake at the end like we did :)

2.) Play it cool for the first part of the night….

Take normal pictures

Act like an intelligent human being so the new people you meet don't think you're a fool by the end of the night.

Or do what I did and start off the night by asking your new friend if her boyfriend is "going back to Canadia after optometry school."

Yep, Canadia. It's kind of like Americ-cerica.

I'm lucky I have other friends who can help me make light of a tragedy such as this.

My conversation with Laura was as follows:

3.) Find a good prop that will be the center of many 2nd grade level jokes throughout the duration of the night.

Salt n' peppa shakers.

Can you please pass the right eye?? That was Rachel's :)

4.) Consume an enormous amount of alcohol for the sheer reason that it's TWO DOLLARS!!!!!


That may or may not be why most of my memories look about like this. Laughing at Rachel because she could NOT for the life of her get the toilet paper off of her sandal.

5.) Take ridiculously obnoxious pictures just because you can.

Pageant picture. 

Dazzlers picture. 

If you're not familiar with the dazzlers, they are Floyd Central's dance team that Rachel kicked ass on in high school. They are known for winning ALL THE TIME and smiles just about this big.

 6.) See some old friends and make some new.

One of Justin's old teammates!

7.) Wake up with unbelievably awesome hair.

8.) And ALWAYS. ALWAYS. Check your text messages (with fingers crossed of course).

My only embarrassing one happened to be to my sister…

LOVE her response. It wasn't like, "Why?" or "What are you talking about?"

It was… Duh. Get him a cell phone. He'll figure it out.

She totally got that I missed him, and of course my boyfriend wouldn't text me back at 1AM on a Tuesday, but I just knew Finley would.

And there you have it folks. The makings of a successful TTT.

Who let those little mutts goooo?!

Monday morning.

Staring contest me and you. Now.

Who let those dogs out, who let those dogs out? Who let those little mutts goooo?!?

You don't even blink do you?

Finley and I played at my mom and dad's for a while and ate some breakfast

Look at you…you're hungry.

before heading to the Coconut Banger's Ball.

And by that I mean our little house in Indy.

Alright I'm done with the Will Ferrel quotes.

The ride was lonnnnggg and rainy! It's quite the monsoon today. But that's why I come up here..

Naaaa-ture, Goulet!

Ok… sorry, not I'm done. I think..
Lunch was eaten once we'd landed at home on the couch. Barbeque chicken salad from Noodles! It was delicious! You should definitely try it before the summer ends

I spent the entire afternoon job searching whilst watching the last two weeks of SYTYCD…something not so glorious must be balanced by something glorious :)

Some of my favorites…

I actually choreographed to this song my senior year of college and the song still gives me chills.

I have always LOVED this dance and was THRILLED to see it redone. These two aren't necessarily my favorite dancers, but I really think they did a great job.

Several hours later, I was in need of nourishment!

Two plums, greek yogurt, splenda, cinnamon, and cereal!

A while later, I got motivated to do a small workout…but Finley had other plans to meditate...
I had to interrupt his zen moment to do an arms and abs video. It was about 42 minutes long and was very slow but effective!

My friend Stuart and his dog Hank came over, and we took them out on about a 2.25 mile walk down the Monon Trail, then stowed the kids in the kitchen with the baby gate so that we could enjoy an adult beverage. 

We headed to Twenty Tap, a local bar with a beer-zillion different brews down the street from my house.

I found my favorite beer…. maybe EVER.

Blueberry from a local brewery that I now have plans to go to!

I enjoyed my beer with the veggie and cheese plate and the mushroom soup!

It was delightful! We ate outside and chatted the night away!

We walked over to Fresh Market afterwards to guzzle sample coffee and drink almond butter straight from the machine get some needed staples like responsible citizens.

Apparently, the 8.0% in the beer got the best of me, because I had a nut butter accident. While trying to sample, I could figure out how to turn the machine off.. It ended with Stuart yelling at me to "PRESS THE RED, PRESS THE RED!!!!" 

Got a bit more in my "sample cup" than I bargained for and ended up putting half of it in his peanut butter purchase. Sorry Fresh Market…

After closing out the night with headstands in my dining room (Stu has a VERY impressive headstand I must say), I fell into a deep sleep! 


Throw yer hands in the ay-yer.


It's got nothin' on my 7-mile.

The 7-mile run that started off my day today was rough and tough, but I felt great once it was completed! I have completely dropped the ball when it comes to running longer distances. Honestly, mostly because I love to take Finley with me and I want to keep him safe, the farthest I have worked up to with him is about 5 miles, and I'm thinking we'll stop there. You just never know with bigger dogs how much they can handle. He looks so happy and healthy when we run, but it still would make me too nervous to take him any further.

So, I made this trek alone! Me and my "Party Rock Anthem" station on Pandora.

I came home to a kick ass banana pancake. John Mayer would be so proud.

Literally it's just made with one banana and an egg (I added cinnamon and vanilla for fear it would be much to eggy)…which it was

After the 7 miles, I was too hungry to wait the 3 whole minutes that it took to cook the cake, so I munched on a green apple.

Oops, guess I was too into my apple to notice I totally f-ed up my pancake.

Not to worry folks, she went down justttttt fine. <-- TWSS!!!!

The rest of the afternoon was full of rockin' out on the dock,

Meredith peeking at her little bundle of joy. Yep he's still there!

 fresh fruit and magazine reading, 

dogs (both the weiner and hound type),

Dog #1 sittin' pretty.

Dog #2 surrounded by his besties-baked beans, coney sauce, ketchup, and chips! God, I'm weird, why does anyone let me keep writing??

Along with a salad for greens!

In other happenings, here's me consoling my pup- apparently the other kids on the playground didn't want to play with him :(

Loving my face in this one.

What a bay-buh.

Clincally depressed, but his mom's smiling. What a terrible parent.

and soakin' up rays on Rita


Other scenes from this lazy Sunday afternoon...

IIIIII love it when you call me big Pa. Pa.

Throw yer hands in tha ay-yer if you's a true player!!!!


One more gorge on greasy food...
Acapulco for va-JITAS. 




This was Finley on the way home the next morning. Yeesh. Someone had a rough weekend.