
No Whey.

Day had to start off with one o' mah special frannnnssss…

Jillian Michaels!

I know what you're thinking….

"No Whey?!?!? You know her?!?!"

Yep. We're besties.

So, I combined her with some spinach, strawberries, peaches, pineapple, and almond milk.


I must admit, I'm kind of good at making smoothies.

You can call me a smooth criminal….

Anyway, after that, I was off to produce!

Not that kind of producing mom… don't get too excited.

Day off has been full of alllllll kinds of productivity! Hallelujah!

To Do:
1.) Cash checks
2.) Fed-ex
3.) Pick up prescriptions
4.) Order collar, tags, shower curtain, cell phone cover
5.) Join a new/cheaper gym :)
6.) Workout
7.) Switch over all utilities (PAIN IN THE ARSE)
8.) Pay last month's rent at our apartment

Phew! Stop and breath….

And eat...

Queaserdiller with turkey, black beans, mexi-cheese, and sayl-sa!

Plus carn, peas, and other random veggies!

Mmm…. I lub cooking!!!!

Yayyy!!!! Day off was a success…now to go have some real fun! :)Justin and I are off to Bernini's for half off martinis and entrees with some friends!

Happy Friday all!


Blue Steel or Blue Ivy

Here is the question.... Which thing named blue will have a greater impact on society?


Sorry hova and be-yawns, my vote was stolen... Haha get it! Blue Steele!?

Nerd alert!

Speaking of a nerd alert, have you noticed the lack of lunch pics on the blog of late? Well, I want to clarify...

Remember how I started this brand new job??? Well, have you ever tried to make new friends whilst taking pictures of your food at lunch?

Not cute. Plus, I say words like whilst so I don't have that going for me either.

Plus I have to eat breakfast everyday over a towel everyday on the way to work, because if you've ever  eaten or drank coffee in the car with khaki's on…

Well, you need something over your lap…if you don't wanna…er…look like you wet yourself...

Hence the protection.

Man I'm a loser! Haha!

Ok, so anyway, the past two days have been core classes with my "business college" co-workers (other new hires for the ETL position). Yesterday was Facilities Management and Safe and Secure. These classes served two purposes:

1.) To let us know what all can go wrong in our buildings and what to do about it, as well as what can happen and our responsibilities with regard to securing our stores and preventing crazy shit to happen basically.
2.) To instill intense paranoia into us ETL's so that we're terrified to ever be LOD (leader on duty)…

For example, if you lose the key that unlocks everything….Final Warning…Forget to lock one of the twenty one doors at the store when closing….Termination.

Just those two little mistakes could lead to me losing my job! No questions asked.

And we all know how I am with um…what's that word again…

oh yeah..


Speaking of forgetfulness, I got locked out tonight! Long story, but basically, our fridge door handle fell off last night, and even though I left the door unlocked because my key is with one of Justin's friends, the maintenance man locked her up!


Anyway, my night perked up when I actually had time to cook again!

Whert a play-sure!!!!

Salad with black eyed peas, cauliflower, carrots, celery, olive oil

Plus baked bbq chicky, sweet potatoes with rosemary, and Mexi-corn! Ha!

Hope you're week is going well, I have tomorrow off, so my week's lookin' up!


I'm a goner.

Dude, look who's blogging TWICE in the SAME week?! shwhat?! Guess things have settled down a bit around the Hagan household.

Especially since Justin's on the couch with a belly full of chicken noodle soup, flu medicine, and a 101 fever!

Things are are quiet with my lover down for the count!

Let's start with Monday, I didn't go to work until two! So wonderful to have the morning to be productive, and boy oh boy oh boy was I productive!

First, I turned my kitchen into a tropical island…

Guess I brought a little of Turks and Caicos back with me…

Oh shoot, don't worry customs, the produce is from Wal-Mart…

Oh shoot, don't tell my boss I said that! :)

It was necessary to create this beaut.

SMIB (Smoothie in a Bowl) with peaches, pineapple, coconut, strawberries, almond milk, and ice!
On top of the mix is berry granola, almonds, chia seeds, and whipped cream!

What a treat!

After breakfast, I did a lot on my to-do list including order vitamins for our future puppy (our breeder requires us to have these on hand before our little bundle can come home with us), canceling my gym membership (I LOVE HIAC, but I can longer afford it to be completely honest!), and canceling my health insurance (got big girl insurance through work), and fit in a BodyPump class!

Lunch yesterday and dinner tonight both looked a lot like this:
I like to call it a garbage salad. It's pretty much whatever I have in the fridge at the moment…The past few days have included black beans, black eyed peas, carrots, celery, toasted sandwich thins, cherry tomatoes, leftover pasta, and olive oil!

Since I didn't leave work until 10:30 PM on Monday, this morning was rough, especially since Justin spent most of his night snoring which means I spend most of the night rolling my eyes at the ceiling and punching him in his sleep politely asking him to stop.

So, I skipped my workout this morning to catch a few more z's and then headed to St. Petersburg for a 7 and a half hour class on Driving Profitable Sales in our Target Stores. I'm not sure how much I'm supposed to share about our training, so I'll keep it surface level, but basically we learned how to read almost every report (there are a million) that Target offers it's ETL's and learn what we have control over to drive profitable sales in our stores. We as executives are responsible for the bottom line in our stores which around this area are typically around 32million in sales per year…talk about pressure!

I love these classes though, because I learn so much and get a grasp on many tools that will help me kick butt at my job! I also get to spend the day with other ETL's in training and it's awesome to be with people who are going through the same learning process that I am. It can isolating at my own training store being the only one in training, and luckily my trainer reaches out to me, even just to eat lunch with me.

Speaking of lunch, I totally had an embarrassing lunch moment today. So, I brought sushi to eat at lunch, but I was the only one, so everyone else went out to Target Cafe to eat, so I heated up my edamame and headed out to join them…

except they had decided to go to Burger King not knowing that I had come out to eat with them…oops…so I had to be the new kid in the break room, eating by myself… AWKWARD!

Awkward, but delicious.

So, after the training, we all headed to the District office to have a "chat" or just a check in session with the district team leaders. The point of it was to let them know how our training is going and if there was anything we needed to course correct on. It was a great conversation and gave me look into the others' training and made me feel like I was on the right track.

After that, I headed home, and got my Target Debit Card (saves 5% on everything you buy, you should really get one, 0 interest rate people)…and a card in the mail from my friend Laura!!! MADE MY DAY!!!! :) Thanks Shlaura! I love you to pieces!

So, you know how I said I wouldn't harp on the puppy?

I lied.

I got four more e-mails of pics today…here are my favorite ones!

I love this one because you can see how widdle they are! oh my little puddin' pants!

Oh my dudness, snuggies with him brovers and sisters!

C'mon meow, get a load a' these guys….how can you not e-mail them to everyone you know, make them your phone wallpaper, and your facebook profile pic share them a little.

I'm a goner folks. 


Guess who's back…back again...

Oh Hello!!!!!!

Wait, who am I you ask? I'm the one that used to write this blog before I had to be a grown up, get up at 5, and work all day to make that cheese.

But guess who closes today and thus doesn't work until 2PM!?!

That's right, me.

I think I'm going to like closing. Although I don't like the fact that I have to be at work at 4AM tomorrow.

See why I haven't been blogging?!

Teasing…it's only been two and a half weeks people, get off mah nutssss!!!!

:) Kidding again…kind of…

Anyway. Let's backtrack a bit.

1.) I went to my first Gasparilla!!!!

I learned my lesson on Flutag, and started with a hearty breakfast.

We started the day with mimosas over at Allie and Trav's at 8:30, then headed to Bayshore to see what it was all about!!

This is pretty much what it was all about.

And this.

We spent the day cheering and catching beads and hydrating. Not much else to it. But it is certainly entertaining. Nevermind that I had a girl right next to me almost puke on my hand, guess the bad comes with the good.

Bayshore was followed by debauchery at Pete's Place, the cheapest dive bar in Tampa, except for maybe Barefoot Billy's which serves on beer, wine, and homemade Jello shots by the two toothless bartenders. Not to mention the stripper pole and pregnant dog named Cheyenne. 

You think I'm kidding.

I'm serious as a heart attack.

Love at Pete's Place.


Getting serious with someone else. Offended.

2.) Ok, so that was pretty much Gasparilla. It's a bit hazy. Fast forward to Sunday.

We had a puppy interview!!!!!!!


We're getting a puppy!!! Shwhat?!?!?!?!?

And our breeder sells to interview approved homes only!!! Annnnndddd we passed!!!! Annnnnddddd our pup is being born today!!! 

We get him April and I CANNOT wait to meet him!!!!!!

Dude, I think I just…

Yep, I think I just tinkled a bit.

Aww crap.

Anyway, here are some pictures of ja baby's lineage.

That's right, we have the whole lineage covered in pictures from the 90's.

Here's the fam our pup comes from


This is our baby's mom preggers! She goes into labor today!

Kiwi's (our pup's mom) last litter...

Kiwi's brothers and sisters.

Holy hula.

How can you resist that sleepy puppy face.

Holy moly.

And here they are!!!!!! Our bundle of joy was born February 9, 2012. The day that will forever change our lives :)

Oops, I wrote the wrong date, they were actually born February 9th… I'm a bad mother already. Dang it. Fail.

Here they are at 8 days old…

They have fur on their paws and noses now!! How exciting!

There's mama tending to her little ones!

Give him a good ole' fashioned cleaning Mom!

Osh. My goodness, look at those full bellies. So cozy.

We're the four best friends that anyone could have!!! I bet ours is the loner in the back :)

Ok, to be honest, I could go on about our future puppy forever and ever, but you're probably not quite as excited about it as I am, so I try to save most of my ooey gooey gushing over Finley until April when we can bring him home!!!!

3.) I started my job… it's been going really well so far. The first few days were spent in "business college" as Target calls it with other new ETL hires going over all the basic information about the company, our roles, and HR necessities. 

I then went to my store and followed around the ETL-Logistics and the STL (store team leader) for a few days, there were lots of early mornings, lots and lots of LEARNING! I swear there is no way I can ever learn all there is to know about this company. It's never ending. It's exciting though to be a part of something and have a real life job to go to every day.

The next week, I got to meet my specific trainer who has the job I'll be doing. She's Puerto Rican, fiery, hilarious, and I love her! She's so smart, knows everything about the company and most importantly, she's kind. 

She has been more than patient with me as she answers my 2 billion questions about planograms, processes, reading reports, visual adjacencies, coaching team leaders, leadership, balanace, and other endless topics…

I also had my two week "Leadership Status" with my boss and her boss. It was soooo scary to go into a review so early, but they were very complimentary, said I was doing a great job, and of course gave me some constructive feedback to work on in the next few weeks. 

There are oodles of computer modules to do, and I'm excited to get out from behind the computer and out on the floor to have more interaction with the team! My eyeballs are starting to fall out of my head I think. It is really nice to know that you're getting paid to learn though :) Feels a lot different than paying to learn like I have been.

Here's what my days have looked like…

Lot's of reading, lots of quizzes, and lot of Starbucks. Recipe for success. At least I get a discount on S-bucks :) This could be dangerous.

4.) Last Friday was Miss Orange County/Miss Orlando where I gave up my title! :( So sad, but so excited for the new Miss Orange County, miss Sara York and Miss Orlando, Amanda Harris.

I competed with both of these girls at Miss Florida last year and loved them both! I am so excited for them, and could not have picked two better girls to take my place as Miss OC.

Also, congrats to Samantha Janolo, our new teen. She was first runner-up to Elizabeth last year, and her sister, Kristina Janolo, you may know as Miss Florida 2011 :)

Here are some pics!

Awesome girls!

5.) I just got back yesterday from Turks and Caicos with my family!

It was a lot of sunning, drinking Pina Coladas, eating at buffets, and playing cards. I don't think we stopped laughing the entire trip…I love my fam :)

This is the first thing you need to know about T and K….. We had butlers.
No this is not normal for us, but since there was six of us, it was cheaper to get a butler suite than 3 rooms….so butlers it is!

Randy and Emile became our best friends quickly.

And this is why…

They did things like this. Every night. If you want to know the way to my heart. It's chocolate covered anything and monkeys. Done and done. Marry me Randy!!!!!

Valentine's day :) :) :)

And things like this every day…
Ummm…I guess there is only one Adam…… I love natives :)

This is the cabana we set up in pretty much every day. 

So sweet!

They brought us snacks everyday by the pool. Soooo spoiled!!!!

Oops, how did that get in there…?!?! DAD!!!!!!!!!

Here's some of the resort….

Restaurant we ate at the first night….barefoot in the sand :)

Pool tables…..ha!

Swim up bar…or jump off bar…whichever you prefer.

 Some of the food….
Blackened mahi was ta DIE foa.

Cesar salad in a tomato bowl, so creative!

Chicken Marsala, sooooo delish!

And finally people…they make all the difference...

Me and J at dinner…

You must know that although I didn't go scuba diving (waters were too choppy), we did take a snorkeling excursion to Iguana Island and back… and it was B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!!

Commence family photo shoot...

We got to sit on these netted areas on the boat, which enabled us to watch the water below while we drove!!! Note: This is also the net through which I dropped my vaseline, back up chapstick, and ALMOST my camera!!!!

I'm not good with nets.

Sailing. Solid.

Blow job!!!

Getting ready to "run and jump in"…or for me and Kara, stand there for five minutes, hold hands, and squeal while the captain had to come over and coax us into the 8 foot jump into the reef!

Aaron's lactating.

Iguanas on iguana island!

This may or may not be my favorite pic of the entire trip….

Let's try that again...


Pop and the boys!

Action shot!

This is my fav.

Money shot.

His poor arms were shaking at this point…guess I better lay off those buffets...

Ummm……blue 42!!! Hut hut hike!!!!

Love and butts :)

Shtop looking at me shwan.


PHEW! That felt good to get that all out!

Today was a whole lot of getting my life back together, including a trip over to the new house, dishes, laundry, health insurance stuff, Boot Camp with Captain Dipshit, grocery, eyebrow wax, unpacking, and this delicious bowl of noodles, green beans, turkey meatballs, and marinara sauce!

Cheesy goodness

 See, you didn't miss anything fun :)

Gosh, I miss this!

Off to online browse for cute puppy gear!