
Tommy Want Wingy

Funday Sunday!!!!!!!

Woo hoo! Since Justin and my Saturday night consisted of a movie marathon of The American (don't waste your time), Alice and Wonderland (amazing every time), and half of The Green Hornet (no comment, Justin made me watch it), we both had a ton of energy this morning despite the knocking that ensued for an HOUR AND A HALF next door at 3 in the morning...

After a quick brekky of yogurt, pears, granola, and Sunbutter,

This is my favorite bowl, I got it in Istanbul, Turkey at the Grand Bazaar.
I totally got ripped off, but still, it's sentimental.

I head to the gym for a swift arse-kicking by Captain Dipsh*t. Just kidding, he's actually a really nice guy and really pushes you to do your best every time, it's just fun to call him that in my head during class when I'm hating life.... especially when he dresses like this...

Yes, he is wearing a beret too. 

I'm being completely serious... he dressed in a full military get up and pointed his plastic gun at us while we ran. "Effective."

Our workout today including running with a 10-lb. weight over our head, a plank endurance competition (I almost cried), and many manly push ups and full sit-ups.

Afterwards, I rushed home to make it look like I had showered shower, make lunch, and head to Justin's soccer game in St. Petersburg.

I made a delicious spinach wrap filled with mushrooms, turkey, sauteed spinach, leftover squash, half a tomato, some chopped carrots, and the last of the coconut black bean dip.


I packed up this and a gigantic jug of mango/peach crystal light to rehydrate after boot camp. I took it to the game to have a little picnic of sorts outside.

This is Justin throwin the ball right to the other team being awesome on the soccer field.

Here's him running at an incredible rate.

I went to like 1.5 of his games his whole college career, and totally regret it. So, I've been going to a lot lately, because there's no time like the present to make up for it. Plus, gives me a chance to get some fresh air and his butt looks cute when he runs.

I got to spend some quality time with T-Swift on the 30 minute drive there and back. Don't judge me. I know you listen to her in secret too. My friend Laura and I went to her concert in Indy a few years ago, and I swear we were screaming louder than the 7th grader sitting beside us singing her little heart out. I was rockin' out with the sunroof open since today was absolutely PERFECT weather!!!!

This is me and Tay-tay hangin out like we always do...

ahahaha, look at us, we are having soo much fun! weeee!

Ok, so it's Hilary Duff, not me.

This is me. After driving with my windows down. Friends, meet wings. Wings, friends.

Tommy want wingy.

Not quite as charmed a life. Yeesh.

I have had them since I was a baby, and they don't grow. You can do as many protein treatments as you want, I'm telling you this is as long as they get.

After the game, I headed home to do some serious studying with shnack time!

Salted summer squash with sayl-sa!

So, I don't know if I'm the only one that does this but after reading the same paragraph over and over again and continuously nodding off studying really hard for a few hours, I have to start giving myself little rewards to keep going.

For example, if I read this next chapter, I get to facebook for 15 minutes. Orrr... I can have 2 more king size mini candy bars if I make note cards, etc.

So, today, I decided to do something more productive/healthy as a reward and go on a walk outside and make a few calls to check in with my peeps.

Here are 5 Rewards For Getting Work Done Sans Facebook and Other Mindless Activities:
1.) Taking a walk or bike ride
2.) Take a bath or long hot shower
3.) Call a friend/family member just to say "hey......remember how good looking i am?" :) or, you can just stop at hey......
4.) Do a 10-minute yoga video to clear your mind... here's one-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inkqDCS83iw&feature=relmfu
5.) Do something creative- paint, play music, write in a journal, etc (I usually sketch clothing for my future clothing line :)

The walk was soo refreshing and I got to talk to my mama! Plus....it doesn't hurt that my view looks like this around Harbour Island:

After clearing my head, I was ready for a quick dinner (leftover chicken n' dumplings) whilst...yes I did say whilst....watching "Say Yes to the Dress"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ittttt'ssssss bbbbbbaaaaaccccckkkkkk!!!!! It's the simple things that make me really happy. :)

He really does know best.

Justin went to go have a couple of beers with the soccer guys, but when he got home, we super happy fun hour with our friends Suzy and Stefan (or Shtefan/Stephanie as we so fondly call him). Suzy originally came over to study with me for our test on Tuesday, and we did a good job for a while, but with the boys on the couch watching Anchorman was wayyyy to tempting so we ended up there at the end, but at least we made an honest effort.

Happy Hallows eve!!


Happy Hallo-weiner!!!!!

Happy Saturday!

Actually VERY happy Saturday. So, I woke up with  my head feeling like it was going to explode from last night's festivities and had an overpowering craving for waffles, see above. So, I might have had one adult beverage too many last night...and by one I mean seven. I walked into the kitchen and my costume was laying on the floor, then I walked into the living room and Justin's costume was laying on the floor. Wild night I guess ;) Ya right, we ordered dominoes and I fell asleep before it even got there.

As promised.... I will not make you wait any longer....

Hot dawwwgggg and mustard!!!

So happy to be yellow!!!

ohohohoh.... he got me good!!!!

With the sexy school girl! I'm a school lunch now!!!!!
Did someone say hot dawwggg?!?!? Cannibalism at its best.

I also met my future husband last night.

Just teasing, this dead sexy man is my future hubs and comes in 57 flavors of fun.

It was sooo fun! Everything is funnier in a hot dog. You'd be surprised at how many puns are possible when you're walking around as a giant weiner between two buns. Ok, maybe you wouldn't be surprised.

Justin was such a good sport about it. At first he didn't want to put it on, and he was like babe I really like it but I'm not sure if I can where it out to the bars.... Next thing I know, we're at MacDinton's and he's still in his giant mustard costume telling everyone he's 14 ounces of heaven and "squirting" everyone. He was all about it...

SOOOO..... I have some BIG news.........No, Justin's not pregnant.........

This is how I feel right now...
I can't tell you something!!!!!!


I got a call this morning from Laura telling me he proposed to her this morning while they were in Bloomington for the IU homecoming. He took her to their favorite park and got on one knee!!!!! :) :) :) 

I love it. I am so excited and I can't even handle it!!!!!! I am sooo disappointed that I can't be there to celebrate with her properly though. What is with the fall engagements when I'm not home, people?! First, my sister's last year and Laura's this year? Kills me. Butttt... I am super happy to celebrate with her when I come home for T-giving.

Ode to Laura and Evan
10 reasons I know Laura and Evan were made for each other:

1.) Evan's last name is Blum. Laura is our delicate flower. Her name is going to be Laura Blum. Holy cute.
2.) They went to Europe together for multiple weeks and didn't kill each other :)
3.) I have never filtered myself around Evan...and he still likes me (I think.....)
4.) I never feel like a third wheel around them... actually I recall a few times in college having snuggies on the couch with both of them plus Ruby (one big happy family)
5.) They are both science nerds and have the same sense of humor
6.) He treats her like gold....and her friends too!
7.) He's a REALLY good dresser. Hey, don't underestimate the power of a pair of chino shorts and a nautical belt.
8.) He sends her real love letters in the mail.
9.) He paid for a plane ticket for me to surprise Laura on her birthday.
10.) They are too cute for words together.

Too cool for med school.

How fun are these two?!

presh. I love them.

See, I told you he was a good dresser. Sorry Laura, not tryin to hit on your man.... I'm just sayin'!

So, onto other more important news..... teasing.. I completely forgot to tell you, I got a package in the mail yesterday! I love getting packages, it's like Christmas. Guess what it was?! 
Shwhat could it be?!
A RED RYDER BB GUN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Nope. Good guess. It was the Black and Decker 8-cup food processor! Hmmm...doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it??? Grown up Christmas sucks. Actually, it was still really fun to open, and I can't wait to see what I can do with it. A little nervous about operating this heavy machinery though considering it took me 45 minutes just to figure out how to assemble it.

I almost shot my eye out trying to put that dang thing together.

So, I obviously had to try it out immediately, and made Genius Blondies from ChocolateCoveredKatie (this is a great vegan dessert recipe website).

Annnnddd the verdict?!

They blew.

Well, at least I though so.But it wasn't the processor's fault. The recipe called for ground flaxseed. I didn't feel like grinding my flaxseed. I know, when don't I feel like grinding (insert shout out to Allie Stout for her frequent references to grinding here)?! So, they turned out weird. Eh, you win some, you lose some.

 Howeverrr.... much to my delight Justin said he had one last night and they were really good. Then, when I told him what was in them, he tried to retract his statement and say he needed to try them again. Sorry partner, you liked cookies with BEAANNNNSSSS in them!!!! Wahahahaha. Oh, I get such a kick out of it when he likes something healthy and doesn't realize it.

Ok, so I eat a lot of smoothies, and I say eat because I put them in a bowl and usually top them with crunchy things.

Here's my go-to that I had today to tide me over until din din:

So many food groups in one delicious bowl!

PB and Yay! Smoothie in a Bowl

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/3 frozen berries of any kind
  • 1 handful spinach (I swear you can't taste it!)
  • 1 T peanut butter
  • 1/4-1/2 C milk (I use vanilla almond)
  • 1 T sugar or Splenda
  • 1 t xanthum gum (I didn't know what this was for the longest time... it's a thickening agent for gluten-free foods... just gives a thicker texture)
  • 4-5 ice cubes
Puree all ingredients together in a blender, top with something delicious like Cranberry Nutty Granola!

After some serial lazing around, watching of Will Ferrel and snuggies on the couch, I tried a new recipe for dinner- Healthified Chicken n' Dumplings

It was a mini victory. It was so delicious and J even loved it!!! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hall-eeeeehh-lu-jahhhhh!!!!

Healthy Indianer Chicken and Dumplins'

  • 8 cups of chicken stock
  • 2 chicken breast
  • 1 small yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 medium sized potatoes, chopped
  • 2 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1 cup corn
  • 1 cup peas
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup white flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup milk mixed with 1 Tbsp lemon juice
Pour the 8 cups of chicken stock into a large pot.  Turn the burner on high heat and cover for about 3 minutes to allow the broth to warm up.
Place the chicken breast in the broth and allow to boil for 6-7 minutes or until the chicken is cooked all the way through.   

While the chicken is cooking in the broth, chop all of your vegetables (potatoes, onion, celery, and carrots).  

Once the chicken is cooked thoroughly, remove the chicken from the broth and allow to cool before shredding it while the vegetables are cooking.

Carefully put the vegetables in the broth.

Cover the vegetables and leave the burner on medium-high heat.  allow the vegetables to cook for 10 minutes or until tender. 

While the vegetables are cooking, prepare the dumpling dough by mixing together the whole wheat flour, baking powder, salt, and milk with lemon juice.  This will form a thick dough.  Once the vegetables are tender, add the chicken back into the broth and place about 8 dollops of the dough onto the broth.

Cover the pot once again and allow the dumplings to cook for 4 minutes.  Once you raise the lid, the dumplings will have cooked!

A homey, warm, healthy feeling is included :)

Now to resume position on the couch.

Good night!

10 Best Things About Fall

I am a BIG fan of fall, and not just because my birthday is in September (and my mom's and Justin's). I love EVERYTHING about it. Here's a list of my favs:

1.) Pumpkin EVERYTHINGGGGGG-pie, bread, lotion, candles, etc!!!
2.) That homey, cozy fall feeling
3.) Halloween costumes (I typically go funny and try to stay away skankalicious at this point in my life- that's what college is for, right? :)
4.) Beautiful leaves (don't quite get that in Florida, but sooo excited to see the leaves on Thanksgiving back home in Indiana... cue music)
5.) Butternut Squash soup. Actually squash in everything.
6.)It's semi-acceptable to start putting Christmas decorations up and playing music!! Yep,  I am that girl, proud of it. Barabara Streisand would be proud too for her rendition of Jingle Bells always makes it way back into my life around the holidays (even though she's a jew...) :)
7.) You know a break from school is right around the corner (or a graduation in my case)
8.) Haunted houses/scary movies
9.) Coffee weather!!!!
10.) Don't need an excuse to eat disgusting amounts of candy.

Notice I didn't say football. While I do enjoy a good tailgate, I feel like I do not see my boyfriend the entire football season.

Here are some of my favorite fall recipes!

Hallow's Eve Candy Corn Pretzel Bark (adapted from veryculinary.com)
Serves A LOT. Half this recipe if you're not making for the entire Duggar family.

  • 24 ounces white chocolate
  • 2 cups pretzel sticks broken up
  • 2 cups candy corn 
Line a baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper. Heat white chocolate in large microwaveable bowl for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 15 second intervals, stirring in between, until smooth. Stir in pretzels and candy corn. Pour mixture onto lined baking sheet. Chill in the freezer for 15-20 or until set. Break into pieces and enjoy!

Low-fat, Sugar-free Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cranberry Bread


  • 1.5 cups pumpkin puree
  • 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 3/4 cups splenda
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (I just used more cinnamon and nutmeg)
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 T vegetable oil
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • baking spray
  • 1/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/4 cup cranberries
Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan with baking spray. Mix dry ingredients in a medium bowl with a wire whisk. Combine wet ingredients and beat at medium speed until thick.
Add flour mixture and blend slowly until combined (don't over mix). Stir in chocolate chips and cranberries.

Pour mixture into pan and bake for 45 minutes.

Autumn Apple Bowl

  • 1 large apple (macintosh is the best, but any kind will do)
  • 1/4 C low-fat Greek or plain yogurt
  • 2-3 T pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 2-3 T unsweetened applesauce
Chop apple into bite-sized pieces and mix together with all other ingredients together in a bowl. Enjoy!

Butternut Squash and Kale Soup (life changing) adapted from Kath Eats Real Food

  • 9 oz turkey breast cutlet
  • 1 medium butternut squash (~2 pounds after peeling and de-seeding) (you could microwave this to speed up the cooking process)
  • 2 carrots (~6 oz)
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 small apple (~5 oz)
  • A few generous handfuls of chopped kale (or you can use spinach) (~8 oz)
  • 1 large box Pacific Carrot Cashew Ginger soup
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • Seasonings to taste: cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, red pepper flakes, and cocoa powder

Brown the turkey in a skillet with the olive oil. Save for later!
Then sautee the squash with 2 chopped carrots and 2 stalks of celery and when fragrant, added a box of soup as the base. After simmering until the squash was tender, we pureed the mixture with blender or food processor and then added the small chopped apple and the browned turkey. Seasonings included cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, red pepper flakes and…cocoa powder (just a tiny bit).

Lastly, we topped the soup with the chopped kale, closed the lid, and let it steam for another 15 minutes or so.


Tool Time

Top a tha marnin' to ya!!!!

Today started off with a delicious Autumn Apples Bowl:


  • 1 large apple (Macintosh is the best, but any kind will do)
  • 1/4 C low fat Greek or plain yogurt
  • 2-3 T pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 2-3 T unsweetened applesauce
Chop apple into bite-sized pieces and mix together with all other ingerdients together in a bowl. Enjoy!

It doesn't look that appetizing, but I puh-romise it's.... eh-hoooooo deliciouso!!! (only a select few will know that voice that I do that in).

I woke up to an awesome video from my Dad, the ultimate e-mail forwarder. I can't complain though, most of the time they're awesome like this one:

The only thing I wonder is...why did they bring their cat on the boat in the first place... don't cats usually have this relationship with water?

Must be one of those cats that thinks it's a dog (those are my favorite).

Bad teacher last night was actually pretty hilarious, I was pleased. Lynn Davies played by Phyllis Smith was HYSTERICAL. She had this subtle, under her breath kind of humor like Kristin Wiig which I absolutely love. Always reminds me of my friend Sarah Bobay.

Lunch today was a ridiculously good-looking spinach salad with olive oil, chips, with leftover squash from last night's Butternut Squash Wheatberry Mock Risotto (roasted at 400 for 30 mins w/ olive oil, S+P, and cinnamon), and...

Coconut Black Bean Dip (adapted from Kath Eats Real Food)

  • 1.5 cups black beans (about 1 can)
  • 1/3 cup coconut (unsweet)
  • 3 heaping T whipped cream cheese (I only had regular so I whipped my own, here's how: http://www.ehow.com/how_2306135_make-whipped-cream-cheese.html)
  • Pinch o' salt
  • 1/4 cup pecans (I used walnuts)
  • Combine all ingredients (except nuts) in food processor or blender until dip consistency
  • Pulse in pecans

I have been dying a little inside this week because "Say Yes to the Dress" hasn't been on. I love everything having to do with fashion and wedding gowns are the bomb diggity of fashion. I have DVR'd every show for an entire year. I might be a tad obsessed. I warned you that I have an addictive personality.

I went to the gym expecting Carrie to be teaching (she's a sweet, fun instructor), but when I got there I was disappointed b/c Tony was teaching (giant, scary, ex-military black man). No, I really do love the guy, he's super nice...but he is also evil. He always makes you do one move for a good 10 minutes. It's the kind of class where you are saying words in your head that consist of mainly *'s and #'s and imagining terrible things happening to the instructor. Don't lie, you do it too. Felt good to do some strength though, I've done a lot of cardio this week.

5 Benefits of Strength Training

Bone density is soooo important for women, since many of us don't get as much calcium and Vitamin D as we should, and women lose a lot of bone mass during menopause.

So, it started raining on the way home from the gym (I usually walk b/c it's less than a mile away from my apt.). But the hardcore rain ruined my swagger and I had to run with my "Louis Vuitton" purse. I say that because we all know it's actually a cheap knock off I bought overseas that helps me pretend to be klassy w/ a k. I looked like such a tool.

Because of this, I obviously needed a drink when I got home. Not that kind of drink. Hot chocolate it was!

Easy Homemade Hot Cocoa

  • 1.5 T unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 T sugar (or splenda if you're watching your weight)
  • Little splash of almond milk
  • 1 C water heated for 2 minutes in the microwave
Combine dry ingredients in mug, add hot water and almond milk. I drink mine with whipped cream, chocolate chips, and a splash of chocolate syrup.

After some errands, homework, and some much needed Rachel Zoe (my mom and I are OBSESSED. It's maj.) Dinner was.... you guessed it! The neverending pot of asian millet salad. I think that might be the last time I can do it. I'm 6 bowls in people. 

Justin and I are going to a Halloween party tonight at our friend Braxton's house...soooo excited to break out our sweet outfits and get our Holler-ween on! I won't ruin the costume surprise for you... I'll try and post pics tomorrow! Hint: It's VERY all-'MMURICAN.

Happy Friday!!!!


Squash It To Me

Have you ever sent a text or e-mail, and immediately realize you've made a horrible mistake (wrong person, autocorrect, etc). So I woke up to one of those from Justin's brother...to his girlfriend...who is also named Brittany. Oopsssss!!!! A.W.K.W.A.R.D.  I LOVE when stuff like that happens (well at least when it happens to someone else). Definitely not gonna let him live that one down.

If you haven't been to this website, go now. http://damnyouautocorrect.com/ Do itttt!!!!!


So dance last night ended up with the five of us that showed up at rehearsal sitting in a circle talking about life for two hours! I love nights like that where obviously no one feels like doing anything...so we don't. We talked about relationships and how messed up we all were, haha! Maj. therapy sesh (yes, I realize abbreving is obnoxsh). And when it got really serious, Demario pulled out the halloween candy bucket (for the kids at the dance studio) so we could eat our feelings properly. Amazing.

This is what eating your feelings looks like.

Today's breakfast was quick and simple. Three staples- Godiva Pumpkin Spice coffee, a fresh pear, and all natural sunflower butter. It's the kind where the oil separation happens. I used to be so disgusted when my college roommate Erika used to bust our her natural peanut butter, it looks so gross. I hope she's reading this and cheering inside that I finally gave in, and LOVE it!!

So, for those of you who have known me know I have a really addictive personality.
Past addictions include:
Toothbrushing (ya that one was really weird, I even had a tongue brush!),
Taco Salad (almost every day for about a year and a half),
Diet Coke (this was a lonnnngggg one....)Finally DC free (for the most part)!

Well, much to my delight, taco salad came back with a vengeance this week! Today's Lunch:

It ain't purdy, but it's goooddd!!!!

Can't Get Enough Taco Salad
2 cups romaine lettuce
1/2 large tomato chopped
Handful reduced fat mexican cheese
1/2 C refried beans (heated)
1/2 C taco seasoned browned lean beef
1/3 C salsa
About 5 blue corn chips crushed
S + P to taste

Mix all ingredients in large bowl, and enjoy a protein and veggie packed quick meal!

Never do spinning class immediately after taco salad.

As delicious and nutritious as it was, I puked in my mouth a little during this spin class:

4 1.5 minute climbs (about a 7 or 8)
10 1 minute sprints with 30 second rest (Devil woman!!!!!!!)
10 30 second sprints with 15 second rest (it's that poop again)
4 1.5 minute climbs (don't put it out with your boots Taddd!!!)

I think I blacked out the rest of the class bc that def. doesn't equal 50 mins....


Followed by an P90x Ab Ripper video featuring Justin trying to keep up:

Kiddingggg! That's not really him...but, this guy is hilarious and he says exactly what you're thinking during the video (Don't cross your legs... show off!!!)....

Tonight, is date night! We're more of a dinner-and-a-movie-at-home-for-date-night-kind-of-couple during the week, then we go big or go home on the weekends!

Dinner was delicious! Well, at least I thought so...still working on Justin, he wasn't as big of a fan, so he had Hot Pockets....Adapted from Peanut Butter Fingers...

Butternut Squash Wheatberry Mock Risotto

This is Julie's pic. because mine didn't turn out so pretty!

Serves two as an entrée, four as a side dish (or if you're a man like me.... it serves 1)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 large onion, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 cup uncooked wheatberries
  • 2 cups vegetable broth (I used chicken broth and it turned out fine)
  • 2 heaping cups butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes
  • 1/3 cup reduced fat Parmesan cheese
  • 3 cups fresh spinach
  1. Heat oil in a medium size pot over medium heat. Add onions and thyme and cook until onions are slightly soft, about 5 minutes. Add wheatberries and allow to cook, stirring constantly, for approximately two minutes. If wheatberries are already cooked, like mine were, just throw them in at last minute so they pick up some of the onion flavor.
  2. Turn the heat to medium-high. Add broth and butternut squash. Stir constantly and allow to simmer until broth is nearly completely dissolved and butternut squash breaks down and becomes creamy (somewhat like mashed potatoes), approximately 25 – 30 minutes.
  3. Stir in Parmesan cheese.
  4. Add spinach and stir until leaves are somewhat wilted.
  5. Enjoy!
So, after din-din, we are watching Bad Teacher, has anyone seen it? Really not sure what to expect, but I heard JT was hilarious in it. Annnndddd... I've already got my bananas in the freezer for my favorite snack... I guess you could consider it my new addiction.

B-A-N-A-N-A-S Sunday

  • 1 frozen banana (slice it BEFORE you put it in the freezer, unless you wanna break the blender like I did)
  • 1/4 C. milk of your choice (I use almond and coconut for a thicker, more ice creamy feel)
  • Toppings of your choice (I like coconut, nut butter, chocolate chips, and granola!)
Puree the banana with the milk in a blender or food processor until smooth. Stir in toppings. Indulgent, yet nutritious!

You'll go bananas it's so bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Now go.

Now, off to do do some seriously romantic eye gazing with my boy toy.
